11am Crematorium. Everyone packed in, The cars arrived with my dear Aunt Beryl. And once we all sat down, family, extended family, and friends, the Vicar/Priest began his sermon. Never have I felt so annoyed at his words about someone I knew. It was an awful service for the most part. In front of us all were prayer books that he asked us to pick up and chant together, Turn to page 29.......chant this, .....turn to page 34 all chant that etc etc all formulastic.
Still I thought, if its what comforts my uncle, then thats all that matters. I kept my head bowed throughout and was silent.
We all filed out with me behind my uncle, and did the customary hand shake. And there is everyone looking at the floral tributes. My uncle came up to me and said What a crock of shite, she'd of hated that. I knew just where he was coming from. It was a cold service. The only part that had any feeling to it was that he must have asked them to play their song .......Jennifer Rush "The Power of Love" Now that was moving.
The "wake" was held in the club they both had gone too for 48 years togther, sort of a bar/workingmans club, it went on for about 3 hours and people gradually began leaving. I stayed behind until all that was left was me, my brother, Clive and some sorry looking sausage rolls. We had a good chat, and talked about where Beryl might be now, and where the "essence" of her had gone, and the truth. He cried and so did I.
Unbeknown to me, the night before Clive had handed my mum an envelope for me, and one for the family with strict instructions for it not to be opened until after the funeral and wake. So later on Friday night I opened my envelope and there was a card, ......it said this...
Please accept our very heartfelt thank you for being there with your great family when you were really needed. Beryl wanted to thankyou in her own way, so please accept the enclosed, and have a holiday with the family or whatever. Its both Beryls and my wish that you know just how much we appreciate your being there for us. Whatever you do, enjoy it with Our greatest love , thanks and blessing.
(Signed) Clive and Beryl xx
I was absolutely stunned, in the envelope was £1000. I told mum I couldn't accept that. She said that Clive had specifically said that he wanted no thanks or acknowledegment at all. It was finished.
What to say eh? Clive told me to "Treasure the Ones you Love" you just don't know how long you are going to have them. Don't you think he is so right.
I might be wrong to make known what he'd written in that card. But I just wanted you all to know what a great man he is. And how too late I hadn't got to know them as a couple properly and as much as I now want too, and now its too late./
Forget all the bitterness. Treasure those you still have.