Just by curiosity, I went to the meeting today

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Since being inactive for so many years, I occasionally showed up at the hall, just to understand why I wasn't able to go again. Since joining this forum, I went only 2 or 3 times, each time with the same conclusion. I just can't do it anymore...Even before joining this board, I lost the desire to go there. Elders just see me as week, so don't seem surprised to see me once or twice a year. When I leave the hall, they must say to themselves, he'll be back next year for another meeting.

    So many things irritate me there.

    First, it's a good distance from my home, and gas isn't free. Then the meetings are way too long. Nothing new being taught since years. A person could literally miss 10 years of meetings, and then just show up one day, and missed nothing at all. During the meeting, they said how a witness should "love" preaching and see this as a privilege, and look forward to tell the whole world about the Kingdom, and never shut up about it. It's funny that people on this forum also have the same urge as them to proclaim what really is going on there since years.

    It's all about control and being obedient to those in charge. While I was there, I wondered how many people felt like me today, and just showed up at the hall without really wanting to be there, but doing it to please someone. In my case it wasn't to please anyone that I went. It was to better understand why I went there years ago, although I hated it. I guess I went to the meetings years ago, because I really felt that it was the only way to be saved from Armageddon which was so close.

    It's a black and white world they live in. During the meeting, the brother giving the talk said that we had to make friends only with people who love Jehovah and no one else. Didn't Jesus teach something else, and say you had to love your neighbour as yourself...every neighbour, JW or not.

    They love boxing in themselves, portraying the outside world as totally evil and doomed. I didn't see many new faces there this morning. Just the same old people, getting older. Although many left, there seems to be a solid core that will never leave, prefering to sink with the ship, if ever, whenever.

  • FlyingHighNow

    So, did you get a big reception? The longer I'm away, just the idea of going a meeting makes me feel trapped.


  • JH

    The usual "weak guy" reception. Just makes them feel stronger, to label others weak.

  • CaptK

    I have been going for the past year and you are right same old agenda. Old faces I see as I was away for a few years. I was D/F in Feb 2001 and working toward that re-instatement thing. I have only been attending sunday so I could be in limbo land a long time. With work and school who has time to do the every other day meeting thing? It was funny yesterday a worldly freind called me up to enjoy the evening at the Lake then stay over but I knew I would miss the mourning meeting. After sitting in the talk and Watchtower I think I should have went to the Lake. More later

  • copsec

    So what your saying is that skipping the meetings for 1o years is kinda like skipping a soap opera for ten years!! LOL< I hardly ever watch daytime TV but have noticed that if I turn on a soap it is usually the same story line from five years previously!

  • rekless

    actually Jesus said,"Love your enemy"

  • alias


    Yup, that pretty much sums up my own 'occasional visit' experiences too.

    They love boxing in themselves, portraying the outside world as totally evil and doomed.

    It reinforces their worldview... and their hope of future salvation. Focusing on all of the negativity makes them 'moan and groan' over this terrible system of things and eager to support the organization for a future utopia.

    All the while their life literally slips away. It will be tragic if the paradise earth never materializes.


  • Cicatrix

    "but I knew I would miss the mourning meeting"

    LOL! Interesting Freudian slip.

  • Satanus


    How did you originally come to be a jw? How long were you in?


  • JH


    I met a friend, who became a JW, and that's when I accepted a bible study from him. I was active for 5 years, and on and off for about 10. I did it because I believed that the end was very close.

    I started to drift, when I saw the hypocrisy, the years passing by, and became fed up of always being asked to do more. Basically, I felt that they were unreasonable with all these meetings.

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