So I was reading through the website and I have a question... do they do any preaching or try to get people to join another religion? I am considering possibly showing up to the Convention but I won't go if they talk about God or Jesus and make it into a big Christian thing. I'd love to go if it's more about meeting other XJWs and sharing experiences but I do not like being preached at (for obvious reasons).
BRCI Questions
by stephoness 14 Replies latest jw friends
They are a Bible-based group and will give information based on the Bible, some you may agree with and some you may not. There will be no attempt to convert you to a particular religion. There are people are who Baptist, Catholic, born-again, still--looking Christians, at least 2 Bible Student groups have people who attend, people who have not nor will attach to a group. Most are ex-JWs some who exited as long ago as 25 years and some still active and are seeking a way out.
BRCI Conferences feature a wide array of speakers. Here are a few: Left Dr Shirley Guthrie, Professor of Systematic Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA and author of Christian Doctrine, a handbook of Christian teachings from a Reformed Presbyterian perspective. Middle Helen Bruch Pierson, Dean for Community Life, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Right James Penton, PhD., Professor of Religious History at University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
I would call Virginia (Debbi or Bette) at the 800 number and she will be happy to fill in (or correct me) in my information.
You will notice that one of the directors is Tom Cabeen who left Bethel around the same time Randy Watters of Freeminds and Ray Franz (Crisis of Conscience). If you read Ray's book, you might remember his employer Peter Gregerson. He too is one of the directors. Outaservice who pops into chat from time to time and occasionally posts here is also closely associated. Jon MItchel worked with members of the governing body when he was at Bethel.
There are new people every year, and some move on. I thnk Amazing plans on being there this year; Irrev and I will be there. If you want to come, come all. No strings, just another ex-JW group.
Okay thanks for letting me know, I consider myself to be more Pagan than Christian so I probably will leave during any discussions about the Bible. Since I live in Chicago I can just show up anytime I want and leave anytime I want to. I'll definitely call the number you gave me, probably tomorrow when it's not the weekend, and find out more information. Thanks!
Come and meet us. We are staying at the hotel the conference is in. We can go out to eat and I promise not to mention the Bible or Christ.
>Come and meet us. We are staying at the hotel the conference is in.
>We can go out to eat and I promise not to mention the Bible or Christ.
Sounds like a good plan! Once I decide for sure that I am coming, I will definitely let everyone know. I want to meet as many people as possible. There is a nice persian restaurant in Chicago with belly dancers and hookahs on every table, so many good restaurants in Chicago mmm!
Would that be Reza's?
>Would that be Reza's? I believe it is called Josephine's (something with a J) I saw it on a Chicago public access PBS show about restaurants in the Chicago area. Everyone gave it a very good rating! I wrote down the phone number somewhere because it sounded like a LOT of fun. They have belly dancers on Saturday nights.
Belly dancers, that will perk up my husband.
Right James Penton, PhD., Professor of Religious History at University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada With his PHD in religion how in the hell did he get wrapped up in the JW religion? thanks
Hello, Stephoness:
The BRCI program itself is pretty heavy on a Christian format through not necessarily evangelical. Religiously, not everyone who attends is on the same track. Some people come mainly to meet other exJWs and they kind of do their own thing. There is no pressure to join another religion or to change your perspective.