Hey Danny... love your posts!
Go ahead,I dare you to tell a psychiatrist,"I have have been brainwashed and subjected to mind control".
They will diagnosis you as DELUSIONAL just for saying such a thing......
It isn't the patient's job to self-diagnose!! A JW merely needs to speak in JW-jargon (you know, all those "buzzwords" that I identify with a TM beside them!!) in order for the psychiatrist's eyebrows to rise and make him say "hmmmm, yes, go on, please!"
JW: "Well, I have been Reaching Out For Privileges? for years and years to become a Pioneer?/Ministerial Servant?/ Elder?, but for some reason, the Brothers? don't feel that I'm Qualified?. I'm just exhausted and depressed all the time now, and I don't know what to do. Whenever I Go In Service?, I just don't feel Joy? the way I'm supposed to. I keep wondering if Jehovah? is displeased with me. I think Satan The Devil? keeps putting obstacles in the way of my progress in The Truth?."
Dr. Freud: "Hmmmmm, yes, go on please!"
JW: "The other thing is, being In The Truth? isn't supposed to be so difficult! I mean, Jesus said that My yoke is kindly and my load is light, but I feel like I'm friggin' drowning here. Five Meetings? a week, Field Service? on weekends, and all that Personal Study? in between. And don't get me started about Circuit Assemblies? and District Conventions?. My family hasn't gone on vacation in five years because we have to set aside that time for those damn Assemblies?. I don't feel at all like I'm Drawing Closer to Jehovah?, I'm just so overwhelmed with all the Responsibilities? that are required to be Approved by Jehovah?. And what the hell is up with Blood Transfusions??? Like why can we take Blood Fractions?, but will get Disfellowshipped? if we take a unit of red blood cells or platelets?"
Dr. Freud: "Hmmmmm, go on please!"
Holy crap, it sounds nutz to me, and I'm just a nurse!!
Love, Scully