Hello from a newbie!

by AmazingProgeny 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • AmazingProgeny

    I'm sure you can guess from my name that I am Amazing's daughter. I am a stay at home mom of four and I have been married for 8.5 years. My ILs are still JWs. They are very inactive but still believe strongly in it and want everyone to do better than they do. My husband went to Bethel before we got married and was there for two months.

    I left the JWs in 1992 after my dad shared with us some information he had found out. He used Ray Franz' books and other sources. I had always had vague doubts and so when they were confirmed, I knew I had to leave.

    I am now a sort of liberal Christian. I go to a United Methodist church that I really like. We have a woman pastor and she is really good.

    I have been enjoying reading the posts here and I hope that I will have something good to contribute.


    PS I read my dad's Justice Series and I recognize most of the stories. They are all true and very accurate.

  • Nomen Clature
    Nomen Clature

    I would have gone with Foal. Fruit Of Amazing's Loins.

  • AmazingProgeny

    That is so funny! I just can't use it b/c I don't want to think about my dad's loins. ICK!

  • Nomen Clature
    Nomen Clature

    That never stopped your mother. You owe a lot to those loins.

  • DannyBear

    Welcome AP,

    Since you recently left the Empire, have you had occasion to help any of your friends leave as well?

    I would like to hear how it went for you during this exodus.


  • BoozeRunner

    Hello AP, and welcome to the board.
    I too have read your dads JS posts and have found them to be both informative and eye-opening.
    Looking forward to your participation here.


  • AmazingProgeny

    I have not been able to help any friends leave, but I have had conversations with other exJWs and helped them feel less alone (at least I hope so).

    I think I had a fairly easy time leaving. My dad, mom, two brothers, my sister, my husband, and I left at the same time. My husband and I just quit attending meetings after we were married. His parents had some problems with us leaving, but we have come to an understanding (don't ask, don't tell). I think that most of the JWs we knew think that we are innocents who were lead astray by my evil apostate dad. I had been keeping in contact with one JW friend but she quit emailing me after I told her that my faith in God was stronger than ever since leaving. LOL

    I had always had doubts that I refused to listen to. I also was very bothered by the arrogant "We are so GREAT" attitude that seemed to come from the Watchtower and Awake magazine. It seemed ridiculous when they were condemming other religions for the same thing. Because of some personal family history, I grew up very protective towards all children and when I found out what was really going on in Malawi it made me sick. Then when I compared it to Mexico, I felt worse. I also hate the fact that child molesters are protected.

    I read Ray Franz's books after I got married and they made me feel more sure about my decision to leave. I read In Search of Christian Freedom first and so many of the stories (especially ones about mentally ill people) made me feel so sad and a little guilty. I sometimes really hate that I was a supporter of such an awful religion.

    That is a brief explanation of why I left. Let me know if you have more questions.


  • DannyBear


    ***I had always had doubts that I refused to listen to. ***

    Every honest Jw I have ever known, has at one time or another made such a confession. My own father claimed to be of the 'annointed class' with heavenly hopes. When my mother died also annointed, he admitted to me that it was 'hard to believe', she (my mother) was now a spirit creature.

    The sad part about it, is the fact that the org keeps them so busy, they never really have a chance to reflect on those doubts. Let alone reflect, they are not allowed to read anything that may answer their questions once and for all.

    That is why I have no problem identifying them as a CULT. They really are.

    Thanks for sharing.


  • hippikon

    "Amazing Progeny" = Virgin Birth?

  • Mulan

    Hi, to another "second generation apostate". Welcome to the board.
    My daughter (Princess) started posting a couple of days ago, too.
    Someone called her that, and I thought it was pretty clever.

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