Is it possible to obsess about the past?

by desib77 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    See yourself or anybody you know there Stefanie?

  • Stefanie

    Yes Lee I see myself, I am starting to think my marriage problems are all me.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Thank you Lady Lee...reliving experiences, either in the form of intrusive post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms or in the form of ruminative preoccupation (going over it again and again).

    ruminative preoccupation is my Primary symptom AKA [my doctor names it] A-typical P.T.S.D. A-typical in the sense that i don't have "flashbacks" I don't flip out or freak out I do not lose control or get scary.

  • Fleur

    yes, i think it happens to's a fine line between mourning the past and getting through the grief to go on to better lives (many have come here, gotten their closure and left). I left here for a long time, was out living to the full and doing things i love. then something happened that brought it all crashing down on me again when i didn't think it could, and so i'm back here.

    do i hope that someday i'll be past all of this entirely? hell yes. do i think it'll happen, since all of my family are jw's? not likely. its like any other kind of recovery, i will be a recovering jw for the rest of my life. but that doesn't mean that i want it to become my life. so i do try to dwell on what i have now; i'm a damn lucky woman and i don't want to forget that, ever.

    hugs for you, and some extra hugs for danny (((((((((((((Danny)))))))))))))))) and (((((((((((stefanie)))))) too


  • cyber-sista

    Yes, I admit I obsess, I obsess, I obsess about the WT Org, but it is hard not to when it keeps being thrown in your face by members of the Org (much like a continual attack). Every encounter sends me realing in one directions or another. Sometimes I want to DA myself just to get them to leave me alone, but learning to set up some boundaries now to protect myself. I hate the WT Org for what it has done to many people's lives and it is frustrating to know that people in there are suffering because of the Org, but not recognizing the reasons for their pain. When I watch their pain I relive's hard...I haven't figured it out yet. I am working on it though. Hope to get past it one day, but doubt if I ever will completely.

    I think this board is helpful in the sense that we can purge some of this stuff out here. I stuffed so many things for so many years and the posts do trigger many unpleasant memories that are stuffed in there. At last I can get these things out in the light and air them out. It validates my feelings about things being wrong were real and not just my weakness or lack of faith. Why did I feel ill when brother-so-in-so said such in such--because brother-so-in-so was a control freak! why did I feel horrible when sister-so-in-so said such-in-such--because sister was not a nice person! I knew it then, but I stuffed it and it helps me to come out of the daze I had been in for 20 years. It is hard and painful at times, but part of becoming human again too.


  • HappyDad

    I think it's called chewing the cud over and over.

    That is what I used to do. Not anymore. I just wish I had the ability to write like most of you guys do! Everything that is said here makes sense. have such a wonderful way with words. Keep talking to me.

    Danny............In my book, you are on top with insight. I appreciate you.

    All the rest.....I don't want to slight anyone..but all of you are an inspiration to me.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I do at times when I see movies like "Beat Street" or "Style wars". I regret missing out on these times because of my Jehovah Witness raising. I had fun but really didn't enjoy these times and sometimes get depressed about it being unable to go back in time.


    I think it is possible. I also think that is how I came to find this site. Not being able to get over the past and not sure why. I want to thank everyone for helping me over the hurdles. Now I only obsess every other hour instead of all of the time. So this is what healing feels like......................


  • cyber-sista

    I agree Jill,

    I think the purging that I do here helps me to stop obsessing so much for the rest of the day. I am not dwelling so much in my every day life as I was now that I have a place to vent and share.

    Don't know if I have ever said hello. Welcome Jill.



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