No New Book To Study WTF

by Poztate 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Poztate

    Ok ...What am I missing here. It seems to me every year that the DC was the place to bring out "new light?" including a new and exciting book to sleep through study each and every week. Are they going to have to rerun an old and out of date book for the next year and hope that no one notices??This would not be too hard to do. Do they have a book that maybe could be recycled again?? I liked the old Babylon the Great book from 1963??. No one could understand the questions or the answers. It was Fred Franz at his best.

    It might be a good choice because any Dub that was starting to think for him or her self...well it would put them right back asleep.


  • Scully

    This isn't the first time they "forgot" to have a New Release? for Book Study? purposes.

    Good grief. How many effing times did we study The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived? Or Revelation Climax? Or You Can Live Forever In Paradise on Earth? Or United in Worship of the Only True God? Apparently they've already gone through Draw Close to Jehovah twice since it was released in 2002.

    There's only so many ways you can serve up crap. This crap is so old and warmed-over-and-over that it's giving the "science experiments" in the back of my fridge a run for its money.

    Love, Scully

  • Nosferatu

    I'll bet they'll study the "Isaiah" books again. Prepare for Tuesday night naps.

    I guess the Governing Body is running out of ideas on what trash to recycle. Why don't they come up with a new "Evolution" book?

  • Poztate

    Hi Skully,

    I guess it's just me.I must have been out too long or is it not long enoughI thought every year they had to dangle "new light?" in front of your face to keep you coming back.

    I guess with the new dubs they are happy enough with the warmed over left over truth.

  • stichione

    I specificaly stopped attending the Book Study because we started re-re-re-studying the Greatest Man book.

  • Poztate

    Hey Nos,

    I gave it up long...long ago. All they crap they put out is recycled. I was just hoping for new and improved RECYCLED CRAP.

  • mineralogist

    Draw close to Jehova is the book till mai (?) 2005 - half a chapter per week (about 10 paragraphs an hour).

  • heathen

    I think it'd be interesting if they just studied all the history of the WTBTS with false prophesies and all. I might even attend that one .

  • sandy
    I think it'd be interesting if they just studied all the history of the WTBTS with false prophesies and all. I might even attend that one .

    LOL Heathen. You would probably be try to conduct.

  • Farkel

    : Are they going to have to rerun an old and out of date book for the next year and hope that no one notices??

    A good friend of mine visited GB member Bert Schroeder in the 1980's. She was told by Schroeder himself that most of the WT articles and books were merely recycled stuff the WTS had in its databases.

    "Spirit-Directed" from "Jehovah" yet recycled stuff from WTS databases. Apparently, "Jehovah" likes to recycle old crap and make it appear to be new crap. It is Bible-Based(tm) to re-print old crap and present it as new crap and get paid twice for the same crap without having to spend the time and expense of writing genuinely new crap.

    Makes perfect sense to me!



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