Marijuana for Profit!

by SixofNine 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    Marijuana for Profits, or did you mean Marijuana for Prophets?

    How else do you think that funky John fellow wrote Revelations?

  • xenawarrior

    Sixy- just let me know when to get the PO Box set up for shipping purposes k?

  • Undecided

    Taking drugs that mess up the mind are bad, it ruins lives. My grandson is in rehab now and my step-son needs to be there. Both were given pain killers by doctors and it addicted them both. Both of them also took illegal drugs for a while and it causes trouble in many ways. My advice is leave them alone and the people who use them. Of course my advice is just that, my thinking, but I think it works.

    Ken P.

  • Satanus


    Listen to yourself.

    Taking drugs that mess up the mind are bad, it ruins lives. My grandson is in rehab now and my step-son needs to be there. Both were given pain killers by doctors and it addicted them both.

    The doctor was the pusher that hooked them. Doctor should be busted.

    My advice is leave them alone and the people who use them.

    Your grand and step sons? What about the doctor pusher?

    I'm sort of kidding, but isn't there something not quite right about the big picture?


  • ColdRedRain

    Hey, if the Coors, Beam and Daniels family can make money off of making people stupid off of plant chemichals made from the hops family, why can't you?

  • Crazy151drinker

    Pot should be decriminalized, legalized, and taxed.

    Im talking 100,000 Acre farms here. Gangs and dealers would vanish because they couldnt compete price wise with the big growers and legal distributers.

    To the solve the 'drug problem' we need to stop looking at it as a 'social issue' and understand that it is nothing more than a high-profit business. To knock out the competitors you need to drop the prices so low that they cannot afford to smuggle the drugs into the country. Make it not worth their time. Instead of high quality stuff going for $400 an ounce, drop it to say $20 an ounce and you get rid of the problem. If its not profititable, gangs will not sell drugs.

  • frankiespeakin


    You have my best wishes, in your business venture. May you out smart the feds,,at every turn.LOL

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Since I do not wish to have my cornhole de-virginized, I would never sell. Give away? Hell yes. Trade? Likely. Sell? Hell no.

  • Deleted

    1. Move to Oregon 2. Get a growers license for medical marijuana 3. sell me some on the side. 4. Enjoy!

  • heathen

    I have long been on the side of people using their own judgement when it comes to stuff like mary jane and I do agree that it could put the big time drug pushers from south america out of buisness if the drugs were decriminalized . I would never be for the legalization of heroine or any type stuff that makes people physically ill without continued use . I think the hemp plant itself offers way more to society than just catching a buzz . It can be used as pulp, clothing and there is oil that can be used .I am also tired of law enforcement entrapping people over these type of things , as libertarians say possession is a victimless crime .

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