by bj 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    You can read a lot of sections from her Visions of Glory book also at:

  • bj

    Thank you all for your information.

    You know, it's not my intention to enter in no arguments with nobody. You have the rights to believe whatever you want. If you're happy good to you. But please do not try to interupt me or others from asking sincer questions. Do you think I would've been here if the WTS answered my questions candidly???

    What I can't understand in you is this, if you claim to be a loyal JW and believe in the 'FDS' then why don't you follow their instruction about the net? Am I inventhing? If not, then isn't this HYPOCRACY from your part? Do I have to remind you in the example of Uzzah?(2 Sam. 6: 6-7) Whatever your motives are, perhaps similar to those of Uzzah, RULES ARE RULES!!! Shalom.

  • Seeker


    You Know has no clue whether or not what Barbare wrote it accurate. Instead, he reacted with his usual misguided loyalty that made him trash what she said just because she is an "apostate." He doesn't think, he picks sides. If Ted Jaracz left the organization today, tomorrow You Know would be telling us that he never liked the guy, and he always knew he was a no good liar. See, no thought, just choosing sides.

    I say 'misguided' loyalty, because the brothers at Bethel laugh at this stooge. He is pitiful in their eyes, so all his loyalty is for naught. Besides, if they ever found out about his mixing with apostates on this site, You Know would be kicked on his rear. Just look at how panicky You Know got when Farkel threatened to turn him in a few weeks back.

    So You Know isn't fighting you, or contradicting you, or adding to this thread in any meaningful way. He's merely barking for his 'side', ignoring all the facts in the process. Now, if this pitiful guy had ever been to Bethel, as so many of us have, he would know the truth to these stories. Bethelites know all about this stuff. They are just told to keep it from the outsiders. You Know is the ultimate outsider.

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