:"..no matter what Jehover is still using this organization,..."
????? That is pathetic. Only shows what their reasoning is reduced to.
by micheal 59 Replies latest jw friends
:"..no matter what Jehover is still using this organization,..."
????? That is pathetic. Only shows what their reasoning is reduced to.
"Where else can we go?"
Advice given to me: "Even if the elders make mistakes because they are imperfect men Jehovah has appointed them and is using these men to shepherd the flock, so to be obiedient to Jehovah we have to be obiedient to the elders" (Even if these elders I knew were obviously mental, cruel and perverted who gave damaging council to many including myself)
More advice: "You have to keep on going to the K-hall even if there are many problems there. When I go in there I just have to put my blinders on and not think about all that is going on around me, especially with the elders."
More advice: "You're not going to the meetings any more! Meetings and field service are not optional in serving Jehovah!"
Hell, one of our "vacations" was to tour bethel
My dad's idea of "family vacation" was going to an assembly in another state. Load everything in the camper, pack along some suits, drive for an entire day or more, just to spend the next 4 days indoors listening to the speakers at the DC.
Yep, the vacation prayer was one. I always got the same weird, uneasy feeling as I did when the emblems were passed at the memorial between the last of the brothers and the speaker. (how many times do they have to touch the damn plates and glasses?!?)
"I can't wait for the new system to get here so that I can feel better."
"Won't it be nice to see so-and-so again soon when the resurrection happens?"
"It was better for them to have died now rather than waiting for armageddon to come and take their life. Otherwise they would not have had a chance for the resurrection hope."
"After armageddon happens, I've got dibs on that big house over on Lake Onyers."
"I don't want you going to the prom because all that happens there is everyone has sex and usually gets drunk. What do you think the congregation would think if I let you go?"
"No you can't join the track team." "Why not?" "Because I said so. If you want to have something to do after school, I would rather you auxillary pioneer."
"You are not going away to college. I don't care what you scored on your SAT's. A two year college is ok though. But it has to be a local one where you still live at home. Your father and I will help pay for the tuition if you regular or auxillary pioneer at the same time."
"You ARE NOT going to go to so-and-so's meeting later this week. We have both the CO and DO visiting our congregation tonight and YOU WILL be there."
"Don't even think about going to the lake all day on Saturday. If you can get up early to go recreate, you can just as easily get up to go in service and then go to the lake."
"If I catch you without your badge on after the assembly, don't count on going out with your friends the rest of the weekend. We are representing Jehovah and you better behave yourself."
(Elder commenting from the platform) -- "Stay away from brother Jones. He is a child molester."
Unfortunately, the above quotes are quite true. They may even be direct quotes and not paraphrased.
The WT$ diabolical doctrine babble for disciples:Hebrews 10 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Here we go disciples.The WT$ sez; that because vs. 26 "willful sinning" follows vs. 25 about''do not stop going to the Kingdom hall'' That once I'm wrongfully DF on false charges and stop going to the kingdum hell.I'm now practicing willful sin and i am eternally damned for not attending said meetings. Make any sense?
Danny sez: "haughty hacks get the facts"
"Does your father have to step down from being an Elder because of you?" Thanks mom (God rest her soul).
"No, you can't play Little League (that would be baseball for you Euros). You would miss too much time going door-to-door."
"If you decide to go to college, even if you pay for it yourself, I'll have to step down." This was told to me even though another Elder's wife and daughter were studying to become RNs.
"Only black, navy blue, or charcoal suits young man. Do you want to look like Miami Vice or something." Sorry, teenager of the 80s here.
"Looks like you're not studying your Wachtower. I guess we'll have to begin family WT studies on Saturday night again."
"Son, we will be adding another study night. It's time for you to go through the Young People Ask book."
"What more of a vaction do you want? You get to have fine association with the brothers and the sisters. This is how the New System will be after Armeggedon."
Did my parents really believe all this crap?
One of my favorites was when I was a boy and I asked my Father why our family didn't have a car and his response was "Because cars dont give everlasting life!"
Oh yeah, and I was only five at the time.
I had one elder tell me it is much better to rent a place then to buy a house because it is much easier to pack up and move to where the need is greater.
You're gonna be DEAD in 1975!