Is the Devil making you happy, too?

by littletree 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • littletree

    Thanks ALL for the welcomes! And Fleur, yes, I have a lot of growing to do before I'm a big tree. But thank God I got out from there before I died (figuratively and literally). My mind was getting more and more screwed up. Right before I left, I told the elders about my doubts, and their suggestion of course was that I read and study more. duh! Why would I read something that I determined was untrue!!!

  • littletree

    Oooops! I realized I said I got baptized in 2001! It was 1991 !!!! Sorry guys. See, how they messed up my mind- I don't even know what year it is or how old I am.

  • allpoweredup

    Does being a JW bring good fruits such as more love, more joy, more peace? If not, then the fruits are bad and people learn to avoid them.

    If the elder's wife wants you back then the organization will have to reform and provide more love, joy and peace. Hatred, sadness and bitter name-calling do not attract or hold people.

    You may tell her that.

  • littletree

    allpoweredup- They will never be able to show more love, because they only truly "love" their own, fellow witnesses. They are REALLY missing out on getting to know some great people in this world.

  • Fleur

    i got out at about your age, lil'tree, and its astounding how much my mind has stretched and grown exponentially in the past few years. amazing.

    "You're damned if your miserable and damned if your happy; I cannot describe the clarity of the moment I realized I was not going back. It was if suddenly everything was alive and in living color! That's why they don't want any members talking to those who left; we are all so well and happy."

    ooo, emma, you hit the nail on the head there. my family can't figure out why i'm not a crack wh*re yet. they keep waiting for it to happen, and don't understand how i ended up with the best marriage in the family to a 'worldly' man while being df'd.

    my jw female relatives are so jealous that i'm an equal partner in my marriage, not submissive to a 'head'. or any other part of his body for that matter!!!

    big hugs and so glad you're free, and here littletree! you too emma!!!!



  • Dawn

    Funny you should post this question - my Mom has used this on me also. However, I pointed out a number of scriptural truths to her on that subject. The Devil will keep you busy, distracted, and a number of other things - but he will never make you truly happy. Jesus himself said that the devil comes to steal and destroy - only Jesus came so that we may have life "and in abundance".

    So it seems clear to me that if you are truly happy and content, that it is not coming from the devil. Things from the devil are fun on the outset but leave a kind of emptiness and sadness in the end. Things from God leave a good complete feeling in the end.

    It's a concept the JW's find hard to grasp.

    And I also agree with your assessment that on God's love for everyone. I do not believe that only one denomination has the "truth" and will be saved.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading your testimony littletree (yea, 'little' like a freakin' full grown oak!) How wonderfully happy you sound, and you should be too! I have talked to hundreds of former JW's over the years and they all are so happy to be free of the shackles of the Watchtower Society. I remember the night I got up and walked out of the Kingdom Hall (right in the middle of their service!) for the last time. To this day I get a smile on my face when I recall that feeling of freedom that I felt, and that was twenty-five years ago. It only gets better from here on out. Sure, there will most prolly be shunning in your future, but you don?t sound like the type to be bullied or intimidated very easily. Just keep coming here for support and encouragement. We?ll help you anyway we can.

    I'm very existed for you and your newfound life!


  • itsallgoodnow

    Welcome and good for you for getting out and being happier now.

    It's frustrating to talk with people like the lady that called you. I get lots of pressure like that too, if they only knew they can never reach me again... oh well. I can only control what I believe, I can't worry about them.

    Hope you enjoy it here!

  • cyber-sista

    Welcome Littletree,

    So glad you escaped. You sound like a great person.

    she said that my seeming happiness was only "because of the Wicked One."

    This is part of the whole double think double speak program that I could never twist my head around and nearly drove me out of my mind in the end. Sometimes I think this thinking is a JW excuse to be jealous of someone. If brother or sister-so-in-so get a new job, new car, new house, etc., and they are happy about it, it is the devil tempting them to materialism. But then again these same things could be thought of as a blessing from Jehovah in some circumstances?. And then there was the old JW saying was always if you were too comfortable and things were going your way that you must be doing something wrong! Jesus said his followers were being persecuted so if you were being persecuted and therefore miserable then you were doing something right! But then again JWs were supposed to be the happiest people on earth! Also the most joyful! And mentally at peace too because the peace of God excells all thoughts! Twisted thinking???

    Looking forward to hearing more from you,

    Love cybs

  • littletree

    Sphere- I went with the name "littletree" because I feel like I have alot of growing to do! And Steve, itsallgoodnow, and cyber-sista- Thanks for the encouragement. I remember sitting at that last district convention feeling so differently than I had in the past. It was like the information just rolled off of me like water off of a duck's back! haha Especially when they started mentioning- more than once- how DANGEROUS the Internet is!?!?! To think that free information, potentially life-saving information, could be so dangerous! That's what made me feel creeped-out: they don't even want people to learn for themselves, find out if "the Truth" is what it says it is. Looking back , it all seems so cultish.

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