handle being called on by JW's in service? Do you try to 'show them the light' or just be polite, or even angry? Also, I heard it rumored once that the local cong's kept a file on all 'apostates' in their territory and wouldn't let the publishers call on them for fear of them being 'turned'.
How do most of you....
by TallTexan 21 Replies latest jw experiences
Jws at my door bring out the rage in me , with their Bull Spit smiling faces trying to use me for their service report. SLAM !
As for the next question ,i am not sure. -
franklin J
very politely ( or not so politely) but firmly CLOSE THE DOOR and say "No, thank you".
From experience, it does not pay to try to convince them of your dilema; they do not care; and you will always be WRONG. Why get involved? Why submit to their "hierchy"?
JUST SAY NO. Besides, you have better things to do with your time; and life.
City Fan
When they offer me literature I say "Oh, I've got one of your books upstairs".
I then walk upstairs and grab my 1920 edition of 'Da Judge' Rutherford's book 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die' and read them a couple of paragraphs from pages 89 and 97 where 'Da Judge' prophecied that 1925 would see the resurrection of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and other OT prophets back to the earth.
The look on their faces is priceless. Actually I've only done this once and they've not been back since.
If they don't recognize me as a former JW, I give 'em a warm welcome and ask how they are. Then I compliment them with something like, "You guys and the Mormons are the hardest working people in the Jesus business." Then I smile. They smile. Then I let them talk, build rapport, and then I steer the conversation via a question or questions to a topic that I wish to talk about: blood, false dates, disfellowshipping, et cetera.
I am not aggressive in my conversation. I simply ask questions. The JW, quite naturally feeling he is spiritually superior, feels compelled to "help" me. LOL. Then you just lead, lead, lead them down the path of the topic or topics you know destroys any claim on truth the Watchtower claims.
I've run into JWs at my door, on my street, in the courthouse, on vacation, in a restaurant and working out in the gym. As much anger as I have towards the Watchtower Society, the rank and file JW is just a dupe of a publishing house like I was. I try to leave them with something to think about. It may take years for any comments or information I share to percolate in the JW's mind, but that's how I got out. The JW brain has been washed and rewashed thousands of times by endless meetings, assemblies, cult association and cult literature to think a certain way. It takes time for them to build the capacity to process what you say. How many of you left the JWs overnight?
Throw a little truth their way, but do it with a smile and a genuine wish to help. Perhaps you will have planted the proverbial seed that starts their exit out.
Every JW I meet is a potential future attendee at next year's apostofest.
I've not had a call for years but when living in Alaska I would simply tell them that if they could prove my religious beliefs to be wrong, then I'd consider studiing theirs. When they asked of mine and I responded, that was the end of the subject. Off the poarch and down the driveway they would go. Still haven't had one come back to take up the challenge.
welcome to the board...
and this is how I deal with them at my door...
Badger, of the not afraid to use the same joke over and over class
The only times I get to deal with them is when I am waiting for the Metro going to and from work. My stop is half a block from the local King-dumb Hell, and they are always at that stop. I would love to dialoge with them except for one little fact. They are Spanish speaking, and this brown boy doesn't habla Espanol well enough to get into it with them.
I have to laugh when I see that response as that is exactly what my husband did one morning! He has never been a JW but he got sick of them beating on his door every Saturday (this was before we were married). So, one Saturday when the knocking started, he got out of bed (butt naked), grabbed his SKS, flung the door open and said, "I've been waitin for you!" LOL!!! I wish I could have seen it. He said the looks on their faces were priceless!
I haven't had any JWs ring my doorbell since I put up my "No Child Molesters at My Door, www.silentlambs.org" decal.