This is just weird

by IronGland 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland
  • Badger

    Somehow, Weird and Iron Gland just went hand in hand...

    Those are funny as hell, though...

    I'd really like to see some in truly dichtonomous situations (exiting a strip club, in a jail cell, snorting a line...)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    You know, from a psychological standpoint, how narcisstic is it to subscribe to a belief system that says your god has nothing better to do all day than watch you play golf, or close that insurance deal.

    As for me, I hope he doesn't follow me into the bathroom.

  • SixofNine

    He does.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    He does.

    Now THAT is performance pressure.

    I wonder if that is a hidden cause of IBS in a sort of type and anti-type way.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Thats funny!

    I hope he's not with me when I'm ready to go to sleep!

  • SixofNine

    Tex, He will give you a star if you're a good poopoo boy.

    Make no mistake, IBS is from Satan. As Christians, the world is jealous of us because we shine as great eliminators of truth.

  • Elsewhere

    Damn!!! Jesus is a Psyco Stalker!!!!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    we shine as great eliminators of

    Must ... resist ... urge ... to be ... smartass

  • Satanus

    I gotta hand it to you, iron, you find some funny stuff. That rates 5 beers.


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