Ronald Reagan - Too good for the toadies of the international community

by Richie 36 Replies latest social current

  • Richie

    It is quite remarkable how people who've done nothing to really further the cause of peace seem to win the Nobel Peace Prize. The most glowing insult to the integrity of what this prize should stand for, was best demonstrated with its awarding to Yasser Arafat, the father of modern day terrorism.

    Although I've never heard of one instant where Arafat purposefully placed his life or well being on the line in face to face combat, he has literally sent thousands to their horrible deaths. Arafat is not just responsible for introducing airplane hyjackings and suicide bombings that has murdered and maimed Jews as well as others worldwide, he is also responsible for the deaths of countless Palestinians and Arabs of other nationalities.

    Arafat caused the murder of more than 6,000 people when he tried to overthrow King Hussein in Jordan (1970). He was also up to his neck in the Lebanese Civil War that destroyed the Middle East's most vibrant Arab society. Arafat encouraged children in Gaza and the West Bank to throw sticks and stones at Israeli soldiers and armored equipment to paint a picture of Palestinian Davids facing Israeli Goliaths. He also lied to the world time and time again. He cheated his people out of billions of aid dollars from the international community, yet; he still won the Nobel Peace Prize (1994).

    Koffi Anan won the Nobel Peace Prize (2001) even though he presided over the UN Agency that allowed the murder of (reportedly) 800,000 people in Rwanda. He also did nothing to stop the genocide in Kosovo. That was left to NATO. Today, Koffi Anan is a corrupt individual, having been involved in the food-for-oil scandal, which is still being investigated by other members of the United Nations no less!

    Former President Jimmy Carter, America's most ineffective and harmful modern leader won the Nobel Peace Prize (2002) for an event that didn't happen; the nuclear disarmament treaty with North Korea.

    No two men in the 20th century did more to save the world from tyranny than Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan. To speak of one in this context is to speak of both. Churchill stood like the Rock Of Gibralter against the tide of Nazism and the voices of European capitulation. Ronald Reagan single-handedly brought down the Berlin Wall and Soviet Communism in-spite of the howls from world appeasers, cowards and threats from Russia.

    Yet; neither of these two icons who really did save the world were ever nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing about REAL PEACE through their personal courage, intestinal fortitude, vision, and conviction.

    The fact that Germany didn't conquer all of Europe and finish their job of murdering Jews rests solely in the "Churchillian" efforts of Winston Churchill. The fact that the world can sleep at night without the nuclear threat from the "Evil Empire" can be attributed to the Gipper.

    The world lost a great man this past week. And even though the elitists at the Nobel Committee chose not to bestow upon him the honor he so richly deserves, just as they shunned Winston Churchill, there is no doubt in my mind that Ronald Reagan can never be adequately thanked in life or in death for what he gave to mankind.

    Perhaps, his greatest honor is in the fact that he and Churchill were not chosen by International Toadies who award their highest prize to do-nothings like Koffi Anan and terrorists like Yasser Arafat.

    Just as I am grateful to the men and women who fought (died) for my freedom from the outset of World War II to date, I will be just as grateful to President Ronald Reagan; an American President of distinction, who did more to guarantee my freedom, and the freedom of the world, than anyone in modern time other than Sir Winston Churchill.

    Thank You Mr President. And may God be with you in Heaven blessing you with rest and peace in eternity?

    Richie :*)

  • SixofNine

    Fox News Presents: Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
    June 8, 2004

    Tuesday, June 08, 2004

    SIMI VALLEY, Calif. ? Ronald Reagan, the greatest president in the history of the Republic, was taken bodily into Heaven on Saturday at the age of 93.

    Reagan enlisted in the Army during World War II. On D-Day, he led the American column ashore at Omaha Beach, carrying one machine gun in each arm and a dagger in his mouth, even though his poor eyesight made him technically ineligible for combat. Returning home after winning the war, Reagan returned to his film career and later worked in television as executive producer and head writer of the popular 50s series Leave It to Beaver. The Beaver years were a time he would never totally leave behind.

    Reagan's real political colors were first displayed in 1964, when he lent his name and fame to Barry Goldwater's near-upset of Lyndon Johnson in the presidential race. In 1966, Reagan was elected governor of California with 99.5 percent of the vote. He gained the Republican presidential nomination in 1980. Every American who was alive then recalls where he was on the night God himself pre-empted The Love Boat to announce that the November election would be canceled. Reagan was inaugurated the next afternoon.

    Reagan's presidency was nearly short-circuited in 1981 when a gunman attempted to assassinate him outside a Washington hotel. When the shots rang out, Reagan deftly ditched his Secret Service agents and chased the assailant into an alley, where he used kung fu to disarm him and turn him over to D.C. police. Due to the meddling of activist judges, however, Reagan's true assailant was allowed to go free and another man, John Hinckley, was incarcerated in his place. (Fox News recently revealed that Reagan's real assailant was Bill Clinton.)

    The assassination attempt marked a major milestone in Reagan's presidency. From that day forward, Reagan's wisdom became self-evident to all but a few hardline, bitter-end liberals. Reagan replaced Jimmy Carter's "shameful" deficits with larger, more impressive deficits worthy of the adjective "American." Lower taxes for the wealthiest Americans lead to greater prosperity for all Americans. When prayer was restored to the public schools in 1984, the Soviet Union dissolved, the nations of Eastern Europe were liberated from Communism, the Cold War came to an end, and Reagan's beloved Chicago Cubs won their first pennant in 39 years. (Reagan pitched seven shutout innings in the pennant-clinching win over Pittsburgh.) Later that year, Reagan became the first president since James Monroe to run unopposed for re-election.

    Reagan's second term moved from triumph to triumph, as the self-evident superiority of conservative principles was made clear again and again. The general economic surge permitted all 50 states to abolish their welfare programs because people were eager to lift themselves by their own bootstraps and besides, it was morning in America. Vast improvements were seen in the quality of public school education once we stopped throwing money at the schools. Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign helped cut the rate of drug abuse among young people by 97 percent.

    Reagan's ongoing thirst for justice was typified by his reaction in 1987 when a White House aide, Oliver North, suggested selling arms to parties in the Middle East and using the proceeds to fund the Nicaraguan contras. "Out of my office, damn you!" Reagan thundered to North. "Do not sully the purity of this nation with your sordid scheming!"

    As the 1988 election approached, mass street demonstrations broke out, unlike any seen since the 1960s, as Americans everywhere demanded that Reagan serve a third term. But Reagan was ready to conclude his career, and as millions wept, he departed the White House for retirement in California.

    During his retirement years, Reagan became the most respected elder statesman the country has ever known. In 1991, he reconciled the Israelis and Palestinians. In 1992, he settled the Branch Davidian siege at Waco short of violence, and in 1994, helped avert postponement of the World Series by mediating between baseball owners and players. In his spare time, he built houses in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity.

    Media reports during the last 10 years of his life indicated that he was suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. This, too, is liberal hate speech. Reagan's disappearance from public life was due to his ongoing espionage work for the government, a passion Reagan retained from his days as the Communist-hunting president of SAG. In 2000, Fox News revealed that it was not Linda Tripp but Reagan who first uncovered the relationship between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

    Reagan was working on a new translation of the Bible from the original Greek and Hebrew when God called him home on Saturday. God was unavailable for comment, but his son, Jesus, told the Washington Post, "We're thrilled to have Mr. Reagan up here with us. I've been waiting for somebody to take my seat next to Dad for quite a while now."

  • Satanus


    I always liked regan. I'm glad that russia was brought down. But, it's interesting that it was churchill's efforts enabled the evil empire to become the mighty power that it was, by taking on germany. Because of this fact, it's ironic that you would speak effulgently of both the enabler and the final destroyer of russia.


  • Richie

    SS, It is interesting that you say this about Churchill, that he was indirectly responsible for the growth of this "eveil empire", yet it was Churchill who envisioned the danger of the Soviet Union beforehand. In fact, Churchill even said toward the end of WW2, that since "we have just defeated Germany, why not continue to drive out and defeat the Russians as well". But of course this was politically impossible, as the Russians were seen as eastern liberators, whereas the British, American and French forces came from the Western front....Yes, Churchill foreknew of Russia's danger, but he couldn't do anything about it....(Actually we should all be glad that the Russians did not advance further than East Berlin instead of a larger part of Western Europe at the time...

    Richie :*)

  • Satanus

    Well, yes, he finally saw his mistake, and said. 'we have killed the wrong pig'. But, as you say, it was too late.


  • Realist
    No two men in the 20th century did more to save the world from tyranny than Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan. To speak of one in this context is to speak of both. Churchill stood like the Rock Of Gibralter against the tide of Nazism and the voices of European capitulation. Ronald Reagan single-handedly brought down the Berlin Wall and Soviet Communism in-spite of the howls from world appeasers, cowards and threats from Russia.

    what a giganitc load of C***.

  • Pleasuredome

    oh f***'s sake.

    next thing i'll be reading on this board is that henry kissinger is the most deserving nobel peace prize winner.

  • SixofNine

    lol, it's official: no one reads what I post.

    That's ok, I'll make up for it with volume, dammit.

  • talesin

    I am sitting here LOL, six. Keep up the good work.


  • Simon

    LOL, I read it Six - very good.

    I must say, I didn't like him and think his 'accomplishments' are overstated and his failures hushed-up. But then I'm not one to go with the crowd and was one of the few shaking my head when all the Princess Dianna 'crap' was going on over here.

    I think Reagan's presidency did mark a change for the US and not one for the better. We're paying the price now for the mistakes made by him.

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