LittleToe's Travels - 2004 Dallas ChilliFest

by LittleToe 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Now, see, that's where I was confused (Gumby too, I 'spect).
    We had been waiting all Fest for you and Xena to wrestle in the jello-pit, but it never happened.

    Much as the idea had it's attractions, I was the nominated driver but I got my own back the next day, as it was Jerry's turn...

    Besides, she seemed all too willing to share it with FMZ ~chunter, chunter, chunter~
    (rounghly translated ~mutter, grumble, rhubarb~)

    Glad you had a good weekend, even if you weren't "present and correct" in Dallas

    The kilt was a little warm, to be honest.
    Your post describes the effects on a poor wee travelling Scotsman, quite well...

  • LittleToe

    I was reminded on another thread that I never got to play the fiddle for ya'll.
    Phewww!!! What a lucky escape you had.

    Just another thing I remembered - quite a number tucked into the haggis (which was exceptionally good, I have to say, even by a Scot's standards).
    Elsewhere even took the bowl back and finished it off !!!

    I'm glad most folks managed to overcome their squeaminshness, because it really is VERY tasty.

  • bull01lay


    Fancy taking a bottle of Glen Morangie to the states and trying to get away with not sharing it! tsk tsk tsk.... guess it's true about the scots being tight arses....

    Get yer kilted butt down to my place and we'll do some proper whisky drinkin' !!!!



    p.s. Don't let up on him guys - make him s - q - u - i - r - m !!!!!

  • frenchbabyface

    OMG !!! Don't get me wrong people ... about Shotguns post ! (I'm sorry this is what happen when I'm writting while I'm thinking without mentioning the details) his topic is not about fluff or hollidays, so it needs all my attention and I have to focus on every word to make sure I've well understood !

  • LittleToe

    Funny how things keep coming back to you:

    At Liz's, in Sunday night, myself an Six had a distant exchange (gawd that guy cracks me up ).

    He was sat at the back of the living room, and myself near the door, when we caught each others eye.
    He started gesticulating, and I didn't understand immediately what he was getting at.
    Then I cottoned on.

    I pushed my hair up into a pointy head, as he motioned a patting gesture, from the distance.
    Gawd, I nearly wet myself laughing.

    If you don't get it, it must be one of those private joke thangs, yeah, that's it...

    ~mumbled to self, as he wanders off chuckling quietly~

  • Pleasuredome
    Finally a whole bunch of us headed for the Grassy Knoll,

    i'd love to visit the home of the magic bullet. did you go inside the book depository building and see where lee harvey-bin laden-mcveigh-oswald shot jfk?

    back and to the left, back and to the left.

  • LittleToe

    We saw the window, from the outside.
    Apparently the room itself is blocked, to the public, so we never bothered going into the museum itself (just into the downstairs of the building).
    Maybe another day.

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