Anybody would agree that talking about Jehovah's Witnesses over and over, and then over some more can get anybody tired and sick. Except, of course, those who are obsessed over them. Don't you think there will be a point when you won't talk or even mumble about Jehovah's Witnesses? And if so, when do you think it will be?
Tired? When will you stop talking about Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Joker10 50 Replies latest jw friends
At some point there will be many who don't consider themselves X-JW's but there are others whose lives were so totally controlled and abused by the people claiming to be God's only people that its a difficult road for them. Some with family members still in the org will always be surrounded and reminded of their "x" life.
That's when!!!
I really doubt it will ever happen. I spent 46 years of my life with them. I was molded by them, and they are inside of me. It's hard to completely forget. Maybe even impossible.
October 15 2035
Yes, the new date for the arrival of the new system.
Winston Smith :>D
October 15 2035
Don't you think there will be a point when you won't talk or even mumble about Jehovah's Witnesses? And if so, when do you think it will be?
The minute the WTS apologists stop coming to this site
Are you speaking about at the meetings, in the door to door work or here on the Forum?
Except, of course, those who are obsessed over them. Don't you think there will be a point when you won't talk or even mumble about Jehovah's Witnesses? And if so, when do you think it will be?
Asking that question is like asking 'when will the price of medication prices drop'?
Not everyone has the same circumstances to deal with.
If your family is still involved and you are not.......can you stop talking about your pain and disgust over a cult who has taken a part of you?
If ones didn't talk about the would newbies who come to this site learn about this cult? Who would help them?
Also....others NEED to talk and vent about how their lives have been changed from this cult with others who have been there and can offer help and advise. There's many good reasons why many need to talk about a religion that has left scars we cannot make go away.