The Costco Parking Lot Was Filled With JWs!

by Swan 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    After work tonight we swung by Costco to stock up on some items. It was filled with JWs!

    I didn't realize it at first. In fact, I only became aware of it as we were leaving the crowded parking lot. As two lanes of traffic merged into one the drivers alternated lanes! First a car from one lane went into the egress lane; and then a car from the other lane went. Then a car went from the first lane again and so on.

    That's when it hit me that all of those drivers were JWs! They learned that alternating lanes bit from hours of practice at assemblies over the years. I remember talks from the stage emphasizing that only JWs were loving enough to take turns in merging traffic. Worldly people can't do this because they have no love for one another. Only JWs have the agape love required to be able to manage this tricky traffic manuever.

    And then my husband pulled up, and let the car in the other lane preceed him! Now I am really worried that he may be having a free home Bible study while I am at work.


  • Euphemism


    It's right there in the NWT: "By this all shall know that you are my disciples, if you have good driving manners among yourselves."

  • Odrade

    Once more I am sitting at home alone with three pets laughing out loud like a maniac at one of your wicked insights.

    (I'm laughing, not the pets. They think I'm crazy. and I think they are a little scared.)

  • blondie

    I can remember the last DC we went to, no one paid attention to the brothers directing the traffic, no one let people in taking turns, and we heard a few choice words flung out the window to the directors of traffic. There was quite a bit of finger pointing, if you get my drift.


  • gladtobefree

    But the merging traffic only worked at assemblies! My dad, who was not a JW but would at times attend conventions with us, used to say as a car passed us going well over the speed limit that it must be an elder. I remember one car passed us and he had to be doing close to 100 miles an hour and my dad said, as if impressed, THAT MUST BE THE DISTRICT OVERSEER! I rarely saw good traffic manners by witnesses other than that. Even at the kingdom halls as everyone was trying to flee the scene, I remember sitting and waiting as car after car would pull out and never let anyone cut in.

  • TonyT

    LOL. Thats great!

  • Atilla

    JW's=Costco sandwich sample people by day=Lord Elders by Night who wield complete power over their subjects

    The transformation is amazing.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I was also taught that JWs were the only ones considerate enough to perform little bits "courtesy" or be thoughful.

    After being out of the Jehovahs Witness faith since the early 80s; I can say that nothing could be further from the truth.

    The world is filled with thoughtful, caring people. You just have to look for them. Unfortunately, there are also some uncaring people. but not to the extent you are taught by the JWs.

  • Swan

    Amen, Franklin!

  • Kaethra

    "The world is filled with thoughtful, caring people." Yep Franklin! And the great thing about it is, they're not that way to give a good witness. Just the warmth of peoples' lovely hearts.

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