Thanks for the review Blondie!
The congregation I "attend" is very large, 140+ publishers. Of course, there aren't that many on the best attendance day - Sunday, even including many visitors from outside the city/country, since this is the only downtown English speaking congregation. There are many, many young ones in this hall, early 20s, and many are pioneers. They have moved into this congregation because of their friends them to move in, so they all hang out together and are therefore able to have a somewhat "normal" life in that they go out on weekends together, movies, restaurants, maybe an Irish pub, etc. Of course, this drives the elders crazy 'cause they feel these ones are playing dangerously close to the "world" and may get themselves in "trouble" (Watchtower definition of trouble).
I think that if the WTS survives at all, it will because of ones like these, who manage to toe the party line somewhat while trying to get on with their lives in their own way. What it will all mean when this younger generation starts to move out, settle down and have kids of their own will be interesting to see.