Only asking!
Did you ever have a weird bible/book study?
by badboy 22 Replies latest jw friends
The weird thing was that I allowed one to be in my home. But I corrected that within the first year.
Yeah, the time my little girl pooped on the carpet and everyone started gagging! Haha! It was so hilarious! Then she took off all her clothes and ran into the bathroom!
I had a real kook studying with me. This guy was ugly, and he had a flat head. I really wasn't happy when he told me to throw out all my Led Zeppelin and Guns N Roses. We studied the Watchtower together. He would pick out one answer for me to give at the Watchtower Study. He went as far as to tell the Watchtower Conductor to look for my hand on that particular question. I felt really put on the spot when the Conductor would have an extra-long pause at the question, waiting for my hand to go up. My Bible Study Conductor would nudge me repeatedly for me to put my hand up. I really hated that.
I had to laugh when he came to pick me up for the meeting, but I took my car without him knowing. Poor bugger was sitting outside my house.
Crooked Lumpy Vessel
This was back in the late 80s. It wasnt my study but a sisters. Anyway...the study would insist on standing on her head during the study...on a pillow. She was not in that position all the time, but she insisted that the blood to her brain helped her to think better. So she would randomly stand on her head, then sit up, then on her head.
She also had different color hair. Like red and green one week and then a month later blue and red. Now this may be common place today but in the 80s it was just starting to become popular, hence wierd.
The funny part about the whole thing is that she is now a sister. At least she was back in the latter part of the 80s. I am not sure if she is still today.
Pinned Blouse
I was not born in the truth, I had a bible study before I was "jumped in"
The lady that studied with me she told me that I should not wear my "I am Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?" T-shirt. The Simpsons was not proper viewing
My combat boots (The style at the time) were representing the military
I could not watch "Martin" (Martin Lawrence T.V. Show) which was funny as hell, everytime I snuck and watched it I felt bad
No R rated movies, which is not bad today because I can now catch up on all the movies I missed
My kids had to sit with me during the bible study, they were 2 & 3 at the time
Not til' years later that I found out that my bible studies should not have been 2 1/2 to 3 hours long, only an hour, they were torture!
Who is Martin Lawrence?
Weird Book study..
Revelation Climax book....first climax most of it's writers ever had it seems
Daniel book....Open mouth insert foot here instructions on the back cover
Isaiah book..Part 1 The Empire strikes back in 1914 and Part 2 Return of the Jedi in 1918
Pinned Blouse
Who is Martin Lawrence?
He is a comedian here in the states, he made the movie "Badboys" with Will Smith, the other black guy LOL