It has been mentioned how the WT lawyers are checking the magazines for anything offbeat etc etc.
Why do the lawyers appearing to be running the show?
by badboy 11 Replies latest jw friends
It has been mentioned how the WT lawyers are checking the magazines for anything offbeat etc etc.
Why do the lawyers appearing to be running the show?
Bad boy this is my all time fav. topic.I'll be back later with a composition.For now let me say that if it wasn't for the lawyers at the helm,the headless horseman would be running the show.
Visit my home for legal pages
Geeze, I thought Jehovah was running the show..............
Actually, no one at WT Central is running the show. The lawyers defer to the Governing Cadaver, but offer advice about what could get the Society in hot water. The Governing Cadaver defers to the lawyers' advice on many issues. Most of them push responsibility on the other guy. The only GC member who comes close to running things is Theodore Jaracz, known in Bethel circles as The Boss. The other Governing Cadaver members usually defer to him, acknowledging that the informal "mantle of power" passed to him when Fred Franz died.
WT$ top bosses and: underlings.
A.K.A. The Ivory tower 'old farts'.
The Watchtower has 'legions of lawyers',just like they also have legions of family wrecking demons.[
Matthew 8:31
The demons begged Jesus, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs." ] WHO is Phillip Brumley? WTS embarrasses itself ... prepared to spend a lot on legal fees, because apparently, the home-made talents of Philip Brumley are somewhat lacking. ... And you thought the texas chainsaw massacre was scary.------------ |
I wonder if anyone knows if this company is related to the WTBTS:
Watchtower Advisors LP
62 W 87ND ST
the Governing Cadaver
Alan you crack me up.
What a perfect term.
The lawyers are involved because much of what the Society has published in the past is coming back to haunt them. Eventually, this will lead to their religion becoming "milk-toast" like all the other Protestant groups who used to be militant. The law is a wonderful thing at times. Jim W.
I thought Jehovah was in control
Pedaphiles, taxes and blood- oh my!
The lions, tigers and bears of the Watchtower forest.
We're not in Kansas anymore Toto.