It's About INVENTORY, Stupid!

by Farkel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nosferatu
    Have any of you have wondered why the same book is often studied more than once at the mid-week study, several years after it was first studied? It's because the book is over-stocked at the factory, and the WTS knows that over a period of several years many dubs will leave their cult and be replaced by new suckers.

    I'd like to add a point. JWs who have already studied the book once at the book study may want to get a new book to underline or highlight the answers again. If they start over fresh, they may actually understand it! What a concept! Didn't work.

  • Odrade

    they must have had a hell of a lot of Revelation books in stock too... how many times did we have to sit through that? The only good thing about it was if you had hung onto your book and marked it up the first time through it, you were off the hook for preparing the last 3 or 4 times.

  • Scully

    Odrade writes:

    they must have had a hell of a lot of Revelation books in stock too... how many times did we have to sit through that? The only good thing about it was if you had hung onto your book and marked it up the first time through it, you were off the hook for preparing the last 3 or 4 times.

    Actually, that sometimes backfires on them. The elders and book study conductors (and their families) are all more or less expected to set the example for the congregations by acquiring new copies of the books to be re-studied. I remember the second go-round in the Revelation book, and my husband and I did not get new copies. We were the only ones in the study group who noticed the editing jobs that the Society had done in various places, because everyone else had the ones with New Light? in them. That, along with the need to move inventory, is a huge reason why they want EVERYONE to get fresh copies every time they have a re-hash of old material.

    Love, Scully

  • TD
    I well remember having to study the 678,324 page book "Babylon the Grape Has Fallen"

    Was that all? --It seemed like more.

    Back then, study conductors were permitted to go at their own pace. If the conductor of your group was sharp and wanted to move quickly it wasn't so bad.

    ---However if you got stuck with a long winded & dull witted geriatric disaster it was dreadful --- Sometimes only 3 pages or so in an entire hour.

  • logansrun


    I well remember having to study the 678,324 page book "Babylon the Grape Has Fallen" twice within a period of about four or five years. That book was so screwed up, we were only able to cover about 5 pages in a single study. Even then, NONE of us (including the study conductor) understood a damn thing Franz wrote in that piece of crap which masqueraded as "spiritually deep" understandings.

    What commentary on the book of Revelation is going to clear and understandable? The book itself is strange and filled with esoteric concepts. Would you prefer reading the "Left Behind" series?

  • Farkel

    : What commentary on the book of Revelation is going to clear and understandable?

    "The Commentary of Farkel", that's what. And it's short:

    "The guy who wrote that stuff was on some serious drugs."


  • Shutterbug
    That horrid book! With the little red paperback question book to go along with!

    I can remember sitting on a folding metal chair and trying to balance a Bible, the book and the question book on my lap, a skill I never quite mastered. Just trying to do all of that took most of whatever intelligince I had and then we were supposed to understand the stupid book ? Bug

  • shotgun


    I think they should have a fire sale when they're overstocked...or maybe just a fire!

    The letter I received from bethel about several obvious lies taught while they prepared the Knowledge book for distribution was the textbook answer of...The GB provide the Proper Food at the Proper time.

    I remember elders remarking about it being seen as proper food when we went over and over and over the Greatest Man book....although it was much easier to follow than all that other garbage.

  • azaria

    I can't believe that the book is 678, 324 pages long! At the rate of 100 pages per day, 7 days a week, it would take about 17 years to read it. Did I calculate wrong? I didn't think any book could physically be that big to hold so many pages.

  • joe_from_kokomo

    Farkel: I love your comment and this thread. It is so on the mark and it explains a lot.

    When we first started attending in late 1994, they had just finished their last and final study of the Revelation book. (Thank God.) Some said they had been through this book 3 times! I did BUY a copy of it (via donation of course) and attempted to read it, only to find it a muddled and egocentrically-Witnessized symbolic mess. So, I am very glad we were spared from having to suffer through that drivel.

    I have to wonder now how much money they are making off of the dreadful two volume ISAIAH series. These are the worst type of sheer repetitive spritual drivel of the most high kind, which could only have been written by Ronald Reagan on the Isle of Patmos after eating some strange mushrooms, or the Governing Body and it's so-called Writing Department, the later of whose tomes are part-drivel, part-symbolic crap, and part-plagerism of age-old Bible commentaries by other real Bible scholars.

    My three cents...

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