......you had knowledge of an elder that is currently serving as an elder, and was a child molester? And is now in good standing with his congregation.
by Puternut 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
......you had knowledge of an elder that is currently serving as an elder, and was a child molester? And is now in good standing with his congregation.
If possible I would document any evidence and turn it over to child welfare authorities. I would also find a way to warn people in the congregation and the neighborhood. And I would find a way to protect my anonymity to protect myself from a potential lawsuit. I would absolutely NOT trust police to protect my anonymity. I made that mistake once, only to have them disclose my identity once they got their conviction.
...do you mean if you knew he had abused children in the past?
If I knew hed offended recently or offended without being reported i'd obviously go to the police.
.if I knew he was a ' reformed ' molester but thought the cong. didnt know i'd write to individuals warning them about his past, the grapevine would see that other who you couldnt write to would know.... as witnesses tend to not know about the pasts of others resulting in the senarios os hidden abusers comitting molestation fot years undetected.......and warn them to keep their children supervised around him..
.I think most people believe paedophiles dont cjange,,,even witnesses-that may keep more safe ans limit contact...I wouldnt only write to elders as they wouldnt pass the information on to the congregation..
.then i'd write to him and warn him I was watching..........
I would make sure the information I had was rock-solid.
Is the victim willing to testify?
If not, can you prove your allegation beyond a resonable doubt?
If all the ducks were in a row, I'd report him to the police.
If I needed legal advice, I'd give the Love / Norris law firm in Ft. Worth TX a call.
He molested for a number of years. Was 'dealt' within the congregation, removed for a while, and now serving once again. Quite a few know, but won't say anything.
I would make personal calls to people and let them know.
When I was in, i was told not leave my baby alone with this one person, even though the person who told me wasnt credible, I still took caution with the person in question.
I'd go to a convention, walk by him and say to another person in a not-so-inside voice, "THERE'S THE MOLESTER..."
I would call my local news channel because I think they would like to do a story on this.
It would bother me and bother me and bother me.
I'd have to either go talk to someone at child services and welfare and tell them so that I could take that weight off my mind. After all, they are supposed to know what to do.
Special K
Wait for a slow news week. Contact NBC. Dateline likes stories like those.