Who agrees that I'm stark raving bonkers?

by Celtic 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    I'm nuts, what a wally, bonkers, screw loose, raving twatass.

    So ruddy knackered, just now, I was hallacinating as I was driving along, colours coming off things, when colours were not there at all, the road going one way and my mind telling me it was going the opposite way.

    Just picked up a boat, 200 mile plus round trip, took me ruddy 6 and a half hours, tis now sitting on top of my estate car, couldn't resist the bargain, 50 quid for a 12' + fibreglass dinghy. Soon as I get it on the water, I'll take a lot more photos for all of you. Right now, I needddddd sleeppppppppp.

    The cross eyed Celty

  • Stefanie

    Did you take any pics?

  • maybesbabies
    I'm nuts, what a wally, bonkers, screw loose, raving twatass

    I thought that's why you are so well liked!!!! Lord knows I'd only be half as attracted to you if you made sense!!!

  • ApagaLaLuz
    Lord knows I'd only be half as attracted to you if you made sense!!!

    Amen. Besides I've always been a sucker for crazy pirates. *muah*

    *serve* and it's over the net, back in your court :)

  • Celtic

    Ever since I came to this ruddy community, everyone reckons I don't make sense at all yet to me it is all perfectly shit shape, I mean ship shape, how come you lot don't get it yer ruddy bunch of balmpottin scallyways eh, maybe tis so simple, this ere thing called life that, oh never mind, I'm too ruddy knackered to explain the simplicity of the equations in the mathematics and geometry of everything and the space between sanity and insanity, - unsanity. How ruddy simple do you want it? Maybe if I were to complicate everything, then to you ruddy lot, you'd get it and at last I'd make sense cos then I'd just be like you ruddy balmpottin ruddy lot, but pahhhhhhh to them schenalligans, you won't take umbrage wi me now will ee?

  • Odrade

    crazy is fascinating. Do you want to be white wonder bread? I like a few nuts and seeds...

  • Dan-O

    I think you're flakier & nuttier than a bowl of granola, but you are entertaining. Now if I could just occasionally figure out what you're trying to say ...

  • arrowstar

    I think you're nuttier than a fruitcake...but I still luv ya...


  • hillbilly

    Boat: a device used to throw money into water.

    your best day will be the day you sell it-----HAVE FUN AND USE A PFD!


  • Shutterbug

    I really don't think you are bonkers, but you could, no doubt, be a royal pain in the ass. But that's ok, all Brits are a little strange.

    Right now, I needddddd sleeppppppppp

    That is your problem, sleep deprivation can cause a person to hallucinate. Just think, some people used to take LSD so they could see strange things, you got it for nothing. Bug

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