Name you're top 5 posters of all time that make/made no sense

by Celtic 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz
    From me, tis Chevy,

    Hey! I'm not thick skinned, you can see the blood vessels right through mine. I think I make perfect sense, sure all my posts are just riddled with typos, and I love to talk about Fluff.

    Me thinks Celty is just mad because I stole his wooden leg arrrrrrrgh me matey

  • wasasister
    actually Farkel, I was responding based on solicitation of both....but thanks for policing the rules/and guidelines for the thread....I'll consider myself corrected. Maybe I should have put you on my list ? is that what is bothering you?

    bisous: I don't have the impression Farkel is "bothered" as you say. Are you?

    The reason people are confused as to the meaning of the subject line is, it is poorly written and makes NO sense...isn't that ironic? Thus the seemly conflicting responses.

    Why try to interpret what this guy is asking unless he writes it more clearly? If you put a gun to my head (please do not be tempted), I'd say he was hoping to insult some posters and wanted others to jump on the bandwagon so he wouldn't look so mean.

    If I'm wrong, I'll await Celtic's clarification.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    I'd say he was hoping to insult some posters and wanted others to jump on the bandwagon so he wouldn't look so mean

    I would say you make sense wasasister, that's why you would never end up on my list, which by the way did you notice I havent, and wont post. Now if I could make someone's "doesnt take themself too serious enough to be offended" list I would be one hell of a happy camper.

    give your reasons why you chose these individuals.

    editted to add: What the heck man, where's your reasons? Celty :)

  • gumby
    I think Celty meant a dual question, ie, top five of those that make sense, and those that made no sense.

    Dammit! I just knew I'd get a mentally challenged sister.....I just knew it!


  • Farkel

    : Name you're top 5 posters of all time that make/made no sense

    Outside of putting "you're" for "your," this heading makes perfect sense to at least me. "Name 5 posters present and past who make or made no sense."


    : actually Farkel, I was responding based on solicitation of both

    But as you can see from the above, there was no solicitation of both.


  • Englishman
    I notice that Stacy Smith keeps showing up on the lists. Is everyone aware that she is really a 14 year old boy who pulled a few pictures from a porn web site to populate his profile?

    Really? Not a lorry driver then? Englishman.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I was hoping it was some sort of misunderstanding, but with Farkel's "new light" on the topic it would appear that I really dont make sense on this board?????

    fair well kids, I'm of to go slit my wrists and try to make some sense outta this whole senseless thread

  • hillary_step


    Really? Not a lorry driver then?

    lol...One of these days you will win the 'wooden spoon' award. HS

  • Deleted

    Sword of Jah and Fred Hall - but I think they are/were both counting time, so that's understandable.

  • talesin

    Yes, bro, but we are oh so sweet and loving in our ignorant bliss!

    Far too serious though, I will admit.

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