I'm discovering the joy of....... heavy metal!!

by Leander 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz
    Did anyone mention System of a down?

    I'm glad you did Stef...... they're one of my favorite. I loved Apex Theory and then boom here come SOAD. I love a band who doesnt have a singer but a vocalist. His voice is a whole nother instrument in it's self. He has such a range of sounds and keys, it amazing, and one of the few bands out there who doesnt Pro Tools all their vocals. With such driving and infectious beats, and amusing lyrics. They're great!!!

    'I buy my crack I smack my bitch right here in hollywooooooood' :)

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Stefanie - yeah System of a Down is amazing... Toxicity, Aerials and even Sugar are great songs.

    Leander -

    If you are a tool fan, they you will probably like

    Rage against the Machine they kick almost as much ass as T00L.

    Don't forget - Audioslave, Soundgarden and Foo Fighters(metal?)

  • L_A_Big_Dawg


    Iron Maiden


    Van Halen (Van Halen 1, 2, Women & Children First, and Fair Warning)

    Ozzy (Randy Rhodes era)

    Black Sabbath

    Led Zepplin

    Deep Purple

    Blue Oyster Cult


    The Firm (one album...some great songs) a compilation band with Jimmy Page

    AC/DC (anything with Bon Scott on vocals; with Brian Johnson on vocals my picks are Back In Black and Stiff Upper Lip)

    If I think of any more, I shall amend this post


  • Leolaia

    Oh good, I'm not the only one to admit liking Linkin Park :-)

  • ApagaLaLuz

    P.S. You MUST check out this band called Sloth, they were signed about a year ago with Hollywood Records, who are notorious for killing careers. But in my opinion, they are one of the BEST bands out there at the moment. I'm a big fan of great Vocalist and man can their singer wail like nobody's business. He has such a range as well, and at times draws comparisons to the great Freddie Mercury, in my opinion. Check them out and listen to a song or two. Really Really one of the best smaller name bands I've seen in such a long time.


  • ApagaLaLuz

    AHHHHH I'm going to use all my posts on just this topic alone. Sirius..... Audioslave is just fabulous as well,,,, I need a new album already. Chris Cornell is another one of my top vocalists. Their album was one of the best that year. And finally a side project that actually lived up to it's name. Too bad Queens of The Stoneage broke up too, they were another one I was greatly anticipating another album from

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    My tastes can be all over the board [old jazz, trip-hop/house, Nora Jones, Fiona Apple, alternative etc...] but for Rock, I am into some of the newer heavy rock:

    Vines: "Highly Evolved" is solid. And thier new album's first single 'Ride' sounds great. Vines IMO are a cross between the Beatles meets Nirvana

    Incubus. I like their new offering, plus their last couple of albums

    Jet: Nos tipped his hat to them, and I agree. Great straight ahead rock.

    Tool: Lateralus

    A Perfect Circle, If you like Tool, you'll likely enjoy APC. You can't go wrong with Maynard's voice

    Linkin Park: Meteora, a bit corporate, radio friendly rap/rock, but's a solid CD from start to finish. A good CD for exiting JW's IMO

    Hoobastank: You may have heard some of the singles; 'Crawling In The Dark' & 'Out of Control'

    Rage Against the Machine: Ok, it's 90's music, but the self titled album which has 'Killing in the Name Of' is a classic with the line like, "Phawk you, I won't do what you tell me!"


  • Stefanie

    I like Lit, dont know if they are considered heavy metal.

    you make me come, you make me complete, you make me completely miserable! Classic!

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    jeebuz, I sleep on my thoughts to respond to the topic and it jumps a page

    serious doggy touched on another solid offering, Foo Fighters . And he posted on a few that I repeated as well.

    Go to Amazon.com and you can listen to 30 second samples of 5 songs off of most albums. Plus, you can see what else other people have bought who listen to these bands to spread out your tastes.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D


    My favorite line from them is:

    It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy

    cause every now and then I beat the living shit out of me

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