Rich-o-meter ... how rich are you? (and some shocking stats)
by Simon 61 Replies latest jw friends
If you can't stop for a second and reflect on how good you have it, if you live in a first world country, relative to the rest of the world, then I won't shed a tear for you when the absolute worst that can happen to you in a first world country befalls you.
Further, if you can't get even a little excited at imagining "lifting up", even if just a little, people who don't have it so good.... well may you deleted
If the above doesn't apply to you, please take no offence. If it does, please, take offence.
Will you two stop throwing cow pats at each other?
I know, let's give all our money and goods to other people, then, when we need something, they'll give it back...right? Tales, Communism doesn't work, and that's basically what you propose. I don't pretend to have the answers, but I know I've not seen any answers that will work on this thread.
I was posting some thoughts and ideas. Then all of a sudden I am attacked out of the blue.
I have removed all my posts in this thread - I wont waste my time.
Good luck
I believe that I can help others at a local level ... and I attempt to do that. Personally, I don't believe every person has to help themselves to sustain it.... I can see where this applies to some instances, but many people are in situations beyond their control. Kind of like a reverse miracle ya know? an evil bolt of lightning! lots of us could be hit by that same bolt, those of us who have made it year after year but have some catastrophe hit .... a health crisis, loss of job, etc. None of this is black and white, neither the problems nor the solutions.
And yes Sixy, let's face it ... we are not a THIRD world country, and frankly the term miracle applies here too, because it is only happenstance that we got to be in this one and not Afganistan, Iraq, any number of African locales....and looking on the other side of the fence.... so I am so much more than thankful for my good fortune for me and my family. At one point in my life (newly widowed, no home or job and pregnant....I was on food stamps and medicare...) today, I am upper middle-class. How did that happen? hard work, mentorship, synchronicity (right place, right time) etc etc. As such, I try to help others through local efforts. I feel guilty about how good I have it compared to others...because frankly, why me and not them?
I also agree with Donkey's points about corporations and how lots of us have bought into a system .... school, college, corporate bull shit ... and for what? I know I feel like I've sold out in many ways....not whining at all, maybe it is my age ... time to consider something new, a fresh approach....after departing JWs, doing all those things felt like rebelling to JWism, now that I've done it I want to try something else...lmao, never satisfied ... where is true contentment and all that blather.
I don't believe it is communistic to want to spread our wealth out some. CG mentions her 28% tax rate and poorer individuals 5% tax rate....what about the 0% tax rate for corporations and rich? cause that's what most of it calculates out to with the various shelters etc.
awwwww, crap, who the hell knows anyway?
Why was my post edited?
I don't believe it is communistic to want to spread our wealth out some.
No, it's absolutely necessary if we want to enjoy our wealth in any meaningful way.
How did that happen? hard work, mentorship, synchronicity (right place, right time) etc etc. As such, I try to help others through local efforts. I feel guilty about how good I have it compared to others...because frankly, why me and not them?
Well, I think that is sweet, and shows alot of character on your part. I do think the guilt is misplaced though. Empathy, sympathy, fellow feeling, etc would be more appropriate. You have nothing to feel guilty about, unless there are the bodies of unpaid Peruvian gardeners buried in your back yard.
Donkey. Your "I'm taking my ball home and not playing" antics are getting very tiresome.