Danny sez: "say it with pictures':
Watchtower Convention= Kitchener ON Canada- PLEASE GET INVOLVED
by apocalypse 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Undaunted Danny
Ohhhhh!!! Ya done gone and ratted out the Convention Committee!!!
Their gonna catch HELL from the convention center management!!!
I am actually looking forward to this convention. I am hoping to hear them howl from the platform... "these APOSTATES are from Satan, why even at this convention they tried to get us kicked out, but Allah prevailed.. woops God.... and...."
Well you get the picture.
I have heard from many longtime dubs how the "assembly is too long" and "how do they expect us to...." etc. They hate it. I can tell you this, that if the management got wise to the Governing Bastards and locked us out, then dubs would JUBILATE.... quietly of course. They would race back to the hotel and scream THERE IS A GOD and jump right in the pool.
I know how happy everyone is the week of an assembly, because the meeting is cancelled. Many even say they are glad to have the night free.
What a farce this religion is. But the GB doesn't care what a facad it is, or what lies they have to tell to perpetuate their kingdom in NY. As long as they get to rule like kings they are pleased.
Wish someone had that letter so a copy could be sent to the Kitchener.
Bryan, that would be a BOE letter but if it was read in all the congos...it only takes one elder to post it here.
I wish I could have listened on the conversation with the convention center administrator....
It's another case of WTS lying, it is not wrong if the person is not entitled to the truth...
Has anyone else phoned Kim Kugler? I would really like for her to see what's going on.
If we got together on this, we could chase Witchtower out of every location.
That would make a deep cut into their "dollar take". If we hit them where their heart is, IN THE BALANCE SHEET, then we will make them hurt.
Remember, District Conventions are Watchtower Corporations biggest source of income. They love all that FREE CA$H.