JWD ....the opium of the Ex ?

by ScoobySnax 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis
    Chris:It is not that which occurs without, but how we deal with it within.
    And thus frustration is born, rather than understanding

    Eh matey...that's a nice sentiment and fairly reasonable as long as it is a two edged sword or a REALLY BIG stick...

    I also edited to add that speaking of opiates...whenever someone gets away from thier dope whether it be a religion or a needle full of smack, they tend to act irrationally, out of character, and generally not nice to the people who choose to either support them or at least tollerate them. No suprise there. Welcome to the JW methadone clinic....


    District Overbeer

  • Englishman
    Hopefully he'll come to Mike's BBQ, this year so we can pummel him with a big stick discuss things reasonably face-to face.

    Ding ding!

    I've just realised. I think that Scooby and I have already met!


  • ignored_one


    Spill the beans man!!!

    And since when were you 103yrs old?


    Ignored One.

  • onacruse

    In terms of "support group":

    I was in Alcoholics Anonymous some years back, about a decade ago; chaired many "sessions."

    The most offensive behavior was not from people who sat there and said nothing; it was from people who sat there and said "Yes, I want to continue to abuse myself with alcohol, and I'm only here because the Court said I must spend 90 days in this hell-hole."

    Scott, you get my point?

    I repeat: FACE IT!...or maybe better: FACE YOURSELF!



  • Rabbit


    I was prepared to be more harsh with you in my reply, because imho, you seem to like to attack everything and almost everybody here -- just for being here.

    YET, YOU ARE HERE. And a lot longer than me...is JWD is Opium, then I think you are addicted yourself. When you say things like that general, blanket accusation...it covers me, too. That's when my ire gets up, because you are being unfair to me.

    As I said, I was prepared to be really harsh, until I read Talesins' and Little Toes' posts. What they said makes sense. Everyone takes their own time and their own pace, because they have different circumstances. And like Little Toe said, some irritants that are scratched just get worse...

    I wish you would just stop the whining attacks that seem to be 99% of all your posts. You recently had one about the lady that was a JW in the hospital, that you were taking care of...that was an honest good post that many people responded to, including me, in a very good way. You let us into your life.

    I don't like all the controversy all the time, no one really expects you to fit into any mold. I don't agree with or even like some of the people here, but unless they attack me in some way I think is unfair...I figure "to each their own." You can leave or stay...anyone can. I hope you stay. I hope you show up at one of the X-JW get-togethers and meet them. I did just that in Dallas recently. I think it could be a good thing for you, like it was for me. You'll find they are just normal people with the same likes and dislikes and fears and feelings and concerns...that you and I both have.

    Sincerely, Rabbit

  • jgnat

    Yeah, Rabbit, but if Scooby actually did show up at an apostafest, he would have to sit or get off the pot.

    I predict Scooby won't do it. He likes living in ambiguity.

  • Englishman

    Spill the beans man!!!

    And since when were you 103yrs old?


    If Scooby is who I think he is, then he's been pulling our legs for quite a while.

    He's a well departed ex with a pythonesque humour.

    Scooby has a liking for beefburgers, don't you Mr. deleted?


  • Deleted

    Scooby, yes you are reading too much into it and you are stretching what Marx had to say about religion. To me this is a club for veterans of foreign wars, with a healthy dose of humor. Everything has to have some rules of conduct, or would you prefer that we chose which side of the road to drive on depending on how we feel that day?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    It is not that which occurs without, but how we deal with it within.
    And thus frustration is born, rather than understanding


    Clearly then, I lack the necessary patience and experience to understand what it must feel like to be torn in making a decision whether leaving Jehovah's Witnesses is 'right' or 'wrong'. I will not make such a mistake again. And so I will leave this matter alone and not revisit again.

  • talesin


    If this is true, then I, for one, will NOT be amused. Thanks for the (possible) heads-up. I hope you are wrong (for my own peace of mind), but WTH.

    Scooby, say it ain't so!

    BT, I for one, and I'm sure LT agrees, always value your POV.


    (of the 'does not like being toyed with' class)

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