Eyes, what do they say about the real You?

by Celtic 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Can't see Celtics eyes, he's hiding them behind his playing cards!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I dont know what mine say about me. maybe get more sleep. I dont know, I have been complimented many times though on my animated eyes. I think eyes are your "window to the soul". I just love eye contact. It's true because your eyes are what you soul looks through. I often wonder what it would be like to "see" through someone else's eyes, with their perception of things.

    p.s. thought I recognized Elsewhere's eye as well.....

  • ohiocowboy

    I think mine say "Take me to the nearest Bedroom"......(or kitchen, or coffee table, or floor, or shower, or..........)

  • shotgun

    My bloodshot eyes are saying...sleep..I need sleep.

    Celtic...I get to see through your eyes whenever you post pictures that you take...especially those up the skirt shots..woo hoo.

  • FMZ

    The eye really is the window to the soul,

    A million years wide, look into the black hole.

    Eventually you'll see, a twinkle deep inside,

    Love or hate, from the eye they cannot hide.

    What can I say? I was feeling poetic. I have no idea what my eyes say about me. Apparently whatever the message that they convey, people like it...


  • shotgun

    I thought druggie when I looked into them FMZ

    On second glance though I thought..geez it looks like that poor guy had people in his room until 5 am.

  • bisous

    read mine, read mine! O.K., they are ever so slightly easier to see if you click on the little box....not much tho

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    It looks like a minutare train set.

  • ohiocowboy

    Bisous, I think your eyes have a mischievious quality that shows you like to have fun, and they are really pretty by the way!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    psychopaths will look you in the eye, so that you can see your refection in the back of their retina. When they bold-face lie to you. I knew a whole lotta Jehovah's Witnesses that were just like that.


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