The Popcorn Kernel vs. The Ear Canal

by imallgrowedup 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    pour a little bit of vegetable oil into your son's ear to grease the passage.

    in hardware stores, they sell a little gadget called a "tri-ceps (or three claw) parts retriever" or simply "parts holder" that looks like a pen. Some have 4 claws. When you press down on the top of it (the "clicker") three little wire jaws emerge that will grasp an object. They cost about $5.

    get one of these, and practice a bit on a few kernals of corn on your kitchen table to get the feel of it.

    then use the tri-ceps to extract the kernel from your boys ear.

    Nuke the extracted kernel in the microwave on high for about 15 seconds until it pops, and offer it to him as a snack. Kids dig gross.

    Print this and take it to the hardware store with you.

  • imallgrowedup

    Thanks, Nathan! I wish I would have seen this before we went to the specialist!

    Great news! My son is now popcorn-kernel free! The specialist used a suction device and something that stretches the ear canal out to remove it. It didn't work the first time around because my son was squirming, but as soon as he heard the word "surgery" he turned into a veritable statue! I was soooooo proud of him for fighting his fears and staying still and brave while the doctor removed the popcorn kernel!

    God, I love that kid!!!

    Thanks for all your support, all!!!


  • shotgun

    Fantastic news growedup...he must be strong like his momma!

    Nathan ...I saw Arnold use something like that in Total Recall to pull sumpin outta his nose...Gumby just uses his finger!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Glad to hear (no pun intended) that the removal of said kernel went well.

    Amazing what the word "surgery" can make someone sit perfectly still.

    I suspect you will not have this happen again. A learning experience for your son.


    Special K

  • FMZ

    Glad everything worked out OK... and tell the kiddo that uncle FMZ said never to put anything smaller than his elbow in his ear.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    That's great to hear. We went through the exact same thing with Jackson, who put a bean in his ear. The ER doctor shoved it in further and we took him to an ENT who dug it out with a tiny little instrument.

    It's funny now, but at the time I really felt for him. He sat there much like your son, just as still as a statute with great big tears rolling down because he just knew the doctor would have to do surgery to get it out.


  • imallgrowedup


    How is it that you can always relate to whatever is going on with me?! Are you psycho psychic or sumthin'?!! Sorry about Jackson going through the same thing! You feel so helpless for the little guys, don't you?!

    fwiw - I finally got out of my son (Ian) why he put the popcorn kernels in his ear. Answer: He was pretending they were ear plugs! LOL!

    Special K - Thanks for your concern and for keeping up on Ian's progress! Trust me when I say that I doubt whether this will ever happen again! In fact, just to make sure he understood, we had a talk about ALL bodily orifices! He laughed out loud when I mentioned "unmentionables"! I think he got the message!!! (At least he better have!) LOL!!

    Shotgun -

    FMZ - OMG!!! You are his Uncle FMZ?!!!! You mean..... you're the sibling my mother always told me about but I've never met?!!! The one that she allowed to be raised by sheep? OMG! That totally 'splains your attraction fascination with them!!!!! LOL!


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