Tornado/Tornado Warnings

by RAYZORBLADE 15 Replies latest social current


    It's 5:43 p.m. (EST) and we here in Toronto are under a Tornado Warning. Apparently, one of several storms churning overhead, has rotation.

    Brampton/Chincuagousy area has been hit; folks say it sounded like a frieght train, cars/trucks thrown about with trees down, homes damaged.

    The sky out where I am is green and churning with weird cloud formations (east end).

    Folks in southern Ontario: keep your eyes/ear peeled.

    Who says a tornado cannot hit a large city: well, I hope not, but there you have it. We're under a tornado warning.

    The sky is almost like night outside.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Be careful Ray.

  • Angharad

    Take care and stay safe Ray and everyone else in the area

  • Sassy

    BE SAFE!


    No worries folks!

    We got through it.

    There were some touchdowns, but not where I live. The tornadoes that touched down were in the F0 to F2 range.

    It's all back to calm, cool and collected in East Toronto.


    A U D I O S L A V E

    If you remember Chris Cornell from Soundgarden; this is the music that was blasting when the warning went out.

    The song: "I Am A Highway" it was surreal.

    This CD/album was released in 2002: last night, I went out and picked it up.

    Tornado music. Yes, indeed.

    Take cover, with some haunting music in the basement boombox.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Tornado music. Yes, indeed.

    So I guess it really blows you away, eh?

  • Scully

    Glad to hear you're safe, Ray. I hope that goes for everyone else from the Toronto area... please check in and let us know!

    ::: groaning at Big Tex's pun :::

    Love, Scully

  • morty

    hey Ray,

    Who would have every thought that a twister would threaten the big T.O.??

    We had our first Tornadoe evacuation for the kids at school on Tuesday here and yesterday.It has been scary here the last month or two,with Tornadoes touching down everywhere around us.We have had 4 funnel clouds around here in the last 3 weeks.In fact on Tuesday we had no hydro for 8 hours because the twister just touched down for 2 seconds and ripped down our whole road of hydro poles. There was also alot of big trees ripped right out of the ground.Some of these trees were 60 years old and huge. I never quit understood this globel warming thing in the past, but it is all coming together now....

    today it is humid again,and it seems to me, that every time it has gotten humid around here, we have been warned with tornadoe warnings...

    btw, do you have some where safe to go in the big city if one hits there?

    Stay safe Ray......miss ya!!!

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