The Watchtower's Most Heinious, Vile Crime

by TMS 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • TMS

    I described myself recently as no longer angry.

    That was a lie.

    I am angry at the way Jehovah's Witnesses treat their most precious
    endowment; their young, developing, stumbling, exasperating, questioning, experimenting, growing,

    At the very most urgent time in their young lives; when they need the
    most reassurance, nurturing, patience, understanding and forgiveness, Witness parents under the direction of their congre-
    gation elders and governing body, toss thousands of these young
    ones out into the cold, cruel world, allowing them to virtually self-destruct.

    Many of these castaways are still in their teens.

    There is NO excuse, Biblical, human, parental or otherwise to shut off all the guidance resources these young ones have ever known.

    The human wreckage of this disgusting practice is astronomical.

    The act of disfellowshipping teenagers and other young persons is probably the most unshepherdly and cowardly activity of the Watchtower.

    It is a heinious crime.


  • Satanus
    The act of disfellowshipping teenagers and other young persons is probably the most unshepherdly and cowardly activity of the Watchtower.

    I agree 200%. I've seen it happen: jw kids sleeping in a garage, roaming the streets, while the parents are comfortable, following wt instructions.


  • DannyBear

    ***The human wreckage of this disgusting practice is astronomical.

    The act of disfellowshipping teenagers and other young persons is probably the most unshepherdly and cowardly activity of the Watchtower.

    It is a heinious crime.***

    What is really sad is the fact that many in the borg actually know how wrong it is, yet cannot or will not make the break.

    They are living a lie so big, it is hard for them to even imagine 'it' as anything other than 'the truth'. Such power few kings or dictators have never tasted.

    Yet those smarmy bastards on the GB go about thier daily lives, telling themselves and the r&f how important it is to stay faithful to the lie. They really do believe thier own press.


  • micheal
    The act of disfellowshipping teenagers and other young persons is probably the most unshepherdly and cowardly activity of the Watchtower.

    Words cannot honestly describe just how wicked and evil this act is!!!

    It is truly rotten to the core!!


    TMS...........alot of emotion and passion in your post................and rightfully so!

    I was guilty of letting the WTS tell me how to bring up my teenagers and as a consequence lost them for 12 months. I almost let that bloody organisation rule my conscience convincing me that my child being sexually abused was something I had to endure as Jehovah allowed it to happen. I almost lost my 2 older kids because of the unreasonable standards the WTS puts on families, particularly children and parents! But in the end I let my heart lead me and it led me right out of the KH door and out of that crazy cult. Anger will always surface, just less and less as time goes by.

    Now I have my kids back, no judgement, no conditions, no religion, just me, my hubby, love, my support and definateley NO WTS!!!!!!!!!

    Cheers, Bliss

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    But... children are only property.

    Besides, they'll be resurrected in 1925 right after Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...

  • avishai

    Yeah, how many stories have we all heard about a 14 year old girl who "seduced " the 25 year old MS, and the girl is df'd, while the MS gets reproof, often private?

    I've heard TONS!!!

  • Farkel


    I understand and feel your rage, but I think that

    : The Watchtower's Most Heinious, Vile Crime

    was when Chuck Russell Incorporated and turn simple faith into a printing BUSINESS.

    After the Rutherford takeover in 1918 it became worse and has worsened to this very day. This BUSINESS controls and drives and ruins lives. Every day. DFing is vile and dispicable, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. How about the ruined lives because of false predictions, marital interference and many, many other things this vile religion has produced as "spiritual fruits?"

    How about the 10,000 +/- lives lost over their idiotic stance on blood transfusions that goes back to that insane fruitcake Clayton Woodworth? I had a very good friend lose his beautiful young wife in death because the WTS forbid a blood transfusion. She started bleeding after giving birth. No big deal. A pint or two of blood would have saved her life. But NO! The Mighty Watchtower has spoken! GOD has spoken! She died. Ask Gary Busselman about the horrors this religion has caused regarding blood to him and those he loves.

    How many families in Malawi still mourn their dead because of idiotic and hypocritcal Watchtower policy?


  • avengers

    Absolutely in agreement!!

    This is one of the reasons the Watchtower must die.

  • Lehaa

    It all comes back to the fact that if you can't marry untill you are "past the bloom of youth" then why should you be able to get baptised. Is'nt baptism a bigger commitment that marriage. According to the JW's it is.

    I suppose they suck you in as soon as possible, before you can think for yourself! !!!!!!

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