I described myself recently as no longer angry.
That was a lie.
I am angry at the way Jehovah's Witnesses treat their most precious
endowment; their young, developing, stumbling, exasperating, questioning, experimenting, growing,
At the very most urgent time in their young lives; when they need the
most reassurance, nurturing, patience, understanding and forgiveness, Witness parents under the direction of their congre-
gation elders and governing body, toss thousands of these young
ones out into the cold, cruel world, allowing them to virtually self-destruct.
Many of these castaways are still in their teens.
There is NO excuse, Biblical, human, parental or otherwise to shut off all the guidance resources these young ones have ever known.
The human wreckage of this disgusting practice is astronomical.
The act of disfellowshipping teenagers and other young persons is probably the most unshepherdly and cowardly activity of the Watchtower.
It is a heinious crime.