Young girls DF or DA for sex w/ older dubs.

by avishai 29 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • avishai

    How many instances have you seen where a younger girl, Say 13-16 is DF'd or DA'd for "fornication w/ much older "brother" in the hall? Especially when the bro. only gets reproof? I've seen a few, but I'd like to hear others experiences.

  • shotgun

    Actually for me it's the only thing that I never saw...aside from a molestation case where she was publicly reproved while he had nothing done to witnesses so no proof...not sure of all the details though.

  • stillajwexelder

    yes - dealt with the issue when I was on the Body of Elders - the phrased used was the "Girl was in Heat" and "The pull of the loins was strong" . Nothing said about the brother - I did not say anything either - shame on me

  • XQsThaiPoes

    What century did you serve in this farm town?

  • new light
    new light

    I was DF'ed at 16 for having sex with a 30-year old married JW woman. The way I see it, I didn't stand a chance at saying no, as I was at the peak of hormones and inexperienced and she was damn hot and she seduced me, but none of that seemed to be factored in when they dropped the blade. This isn't as bad as when the female is the younger, but I felt like sharing anyway.

    They cut me off from family and friends for giving in to a natural, beautiful expression of love.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    NA did they even try to "gain a brother". I mean at 16 it is not like the average kid would plead his undying love and need to continue the relationship and tell them they are an adult stay out of our bed room.

    Unless you were caught later. I know tonnes JW kids DFed but nobody really takes time to explain how do you get out if it with simple reproof vs the hammer fall. I can't tell what it is neputism or charisma or minty fresh breath? Even the PA book did not comment. It gave justifications for any DFing of your fancy but never clear cut orders on the seemingly auto DFing cycle.

    I also notices young girls are reinstated quicker a wrist slap dfing if their is such a thing, providing they break up with the guy.

    I hope I am not high jacking to contribute I know a 15 year old dfed. It is california so the brother did time and was dfed too. His wive walking in on him with her. They had just had a new baby. THe weird part is the family was black at a "white hall". So I am wondering who called the cops the wife, the parents, or the elders. I am not accusing the elders but I think if they would have be white it would have been more of a scandal of the elders dragging their feet.

    Anyone notice if these teenage DF have social preferences. I know an elders daughter that what let go on her first pregnancy under rape. I am not accusing the viticm but I hear she has be raped more than once with out much fanfare. Even tho the men where known as her boy friends and they never pressed charges.

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    A 15 year old girl Df'ed for having sex with a 32 yr old married brother. Isn't that considered rape? And shouldn't charges been filed? Oh I forgot this is the Watchtower, we protect our Image and not children, I forgot that.

  • avishai
    but none of that seemed to be factored in when they dropped the blade. This isn't as bad as when the female is the younger, but I felt like sharing anyway.

    How is that not as bad? I'm sorry, it IS as bad, and I just remembered a similar case to yours. I Can't change the title to reflect that, but it is as bad. Maybe a mod could change the title?

  • avishai


  • TallTexan

    Interesting question. The only case I can remember was a 13 y/o who was 'dating' (don't ask, it's bizarre) a 20 y/o pioneer bro. She was not baptized. They had sex and he was reproved and she got the 'bad association' announcement from the platform. Technically, yes, it is statutory rape and he could have been arrested and charged with a sex offense. The family didn't want to press charges as she was consenting. That's the only thing I know about.....


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