I've been wondering how to approach my family w/ my true feelings re: the JW's. Conveniently, my mother gave me an opening last night and I went for it. I spent nearly four hours 'getting through' to her and was BLOWN AWAY, b/c she actually agreed w/ me. Those of you who have read my experience know that she's been really abused at the hands of the 'loving shepherds" of the flock. I used so much of what I've gained off of here, Randy's site, and others to reason with her that this cannot be God's organization because of the lies, hypocrisy, and abuse. I felt like I should have been counting my time....lol. I showed her everything I've printed out about the UN, blood, etc and I think she was genuinely surprised that it was NOT a bunch of apostate lies but the truth as verified by independent sources. (Unless somehow the 'apostate' community now has a hold over the media...lol). She's been fighting feelings of guilt and unworthiness for years thanks to the society's implied doctrine of 'you can never do enough' and when I showed her, from the Bible, that love, salvation, and God's approval are NOT given through some man-made body, I could see visible relief on her face. She said "You have no idea how much this has helped me." Sounds like those assembly experiences we used to have to sit through (in reverse, of course).....lol. I don't know what will happen from this point forward, but I feel so relieved and I truly hope that she will soon join those of us who have seen the organization for what it is. Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support.
Well, I had 'the talk'....
by TallTexan 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
*clapping hands*
What an inspiring story! How often do we read something this encouraging here on the board when it comes to telling family members about our doubts! TallTexan, this is wonderful news! Please continue to talk to her, and please continue to keep us updated about this!
Way to go!
P.S. Welcome to the board!
Thats great news!
That is great TallTexan! I wish we all could get through to people and have them listen with an open mind!
Hopefully, she doesn't go to the elders to help her straighten out her thinking!!!
Undaunted Danny
Danny sez:good to go bravo!
That's great! I'll try to say this in a way that a JW would "get it"...
"Just remember...God DID have an earthly organization at one time...the Israelites. Just because JWs think they are the chosen people today does NOT mean they always will be. They can screw up enough to lose His blessing. It's happened before."
If your mom ever begins to question what you've shown her...just tell her the above.
yes...be warned and prepared for any eventuality...i had made it 'through' to one of my siblings, to the point of her saying to her husband "is it my fault that we were all had, and armaggedon is never coming?"
she snapped back right into line, considers that it was a 'test of her faith' cut me out of her life, and now is a pioneer.
be optimistic, but guard your feelings. sometimes people's minds can't handle the truth about "The Truth" and they snap back into JW thinking overnight.
i hope she truly does get free!
Great news!
Wow, I am so happy for you and your Mom.........She has been suffering long enough!!!