I finally feel like there is someone out there that understands what I'm going through. My ex-girlfriend (and still best friend) try to understand but she just can't. She supports me in being strong but it's just nice to vent to people who have been through the same thing. Anyway a little background. I was raised in the "Truth" and was baptized at 15. I never was a strong JW and at 23 I was dissfellowshipped after being inactive for over a year. When I went to college it opened my eyes to the world around me and I realized I had been living in a box my whole life. Well to make a long story short me and my girlfriend broke up and I decided it was a good time for me to get reinstated. SO I moved back home to make things easier but I founf myself back in the same ol' rut as before and leading a "double life". Then I realized...I don't like leading a double life b/c I don't like lying AND I don't want to be a JW. So I broke it down to my parents on Sunday and told them that the only reason I wanted to get reinstated was b/c I was lonely and wanted my family back. It tore them up but I was glad to get it off of my chest. Now dad wants me out of the house unless I continue to go to meetings. I'm 25 now and I feel like for the first time I'm being my own man. it's hard but I know it's the right thng to do. If I did get reinstated I'd probably get DF'd again in no time. Anyway sorry for the long post and letting me vent. How did you guys come with leaving your family and did you have any feelings of loneliness?
WOW am I glad I found this place
by jaredg 55 Replies latest jw friends
How did you guys come with leaving your family and did you have any feelings of loneliness?
I SLOWLY pointed out things that were hypocritical and wrong w/ the WTS to my mom.
Welcome, buddy. We'll help you thru this. It sucks, but I admire you for your honesty and not wanting to lead a double life.
welcome to the forum jared! I think everyone still has some feeling of loneliness, but in the long run I think they turn into ones of regret. Regret that things couldn't have been different and happy for everyone involved. Especially those who choose JWland over a real family life. Also I think that regret is what keeps us still human and not the same thing as feeling guilty for the things we weren't able to change or make better. Welcome again!
District Overbeer
I'm 25 now and I feel like for the first time I'm being my own man.
After being controlled for many years, it feels great to make your own decisions, and quit doing what other people expect of you. Welcome to life, and welcome to the forum!
thanks guys. i just wish i could talk some sense into my family. but they are so involved and have so much "faith" that they even discount blatant facts. and they think i am mislead. i just dont understand how that can belive that this is the love that jesus preached about...well then agian i do understand but it makes me mad upset at how blind they are.
Special K
Hi Jared
Welcome to the forum
Me too, I don't do well in living a double life. It's a slow road to insanity to live a life like that. You sort of loose who you are.
Glad you made a stand.. and at 25 years old I think you would be quite capable of living out on your own.
Hope you enjoy this forum, I know that I do.
Lots of good ex Jw's here.
Special K
franklin J
Hi jaredg and welcome to the forum!
You are among friends here and the experiences you describe going through are almost identical to what I experienced during my JW departure back in the late 80s.
Hang in there, it does get lonely. But since you are going to school you have a perfect opportunity to make new non JW friends as a new support network. That support network is so importent to your well being.
I can still remember the moment when I stood up to my parents and told them I WAS NOT going back. It is a very defining moment in our lives ( my parents ended up leaving the faith with me).
I stumbled onto this forum last October and am also excited that there are so many who share these very unique experiences. We are not alone.
regards, and be well, Frank
thanks for all of the replies. i am capable of living on my own. i'm just going to have to rearrange some of my finances. in reality it's not as bad as it seems. i have a whole life to live and many new things to explore. it's actually kind of exciting. now if i could only find a woman who will understand my family dynamic and not bolt on me