A new type of shunning?

by Mark 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    OOPS I didn't shrink.Forum assist rescue

  • simplesally

    My ex sister in law was going to marry a worldly person. Her family was not going to attend. Her brother and I said we would go. He was df'd at the time but I was a regular pioneer. She asked why I would go. I

    I told her "If we refuse to go to your wedding, how is that showing love to you? If we don't go on your big day and it makes you so sad, how is that going to be a good witness to him? It's a sin to fornicate and marriage is God's arrangement."

    I know if I was a man and my bride to be was crying up a storm because the family would not be there and they were 'punishing' her over a religious issue.........my dander would be up. I would be opposed to the religion and to the insanity of the family. Just pushing people away is what they are doing.

  • wednesday

    Mary, and all, u are so corect. We attended for years and were viewed as "weak'; and shunned. (boy u know u are brainwashed when u are atteding meeting and even going out in service and still are shunned and u put up with it)

    they can shun anyone anytime anywhere. They do not follow the rules, they make them up as they go. If i could have only seen that i could have saved myself a lot of heartache.

  • IT Support
    IT Support


    Oh yes. That's called 'marking' a person, and it's a practice done at the private judgement of the individual Witnesses.

    I agree with your sentiments, though the technicalities are slightly different to what you describe.

    Marking is only initiated by the elders, after the publisher has rejected--by word or deed--their "Scriptural" counsel. They next arrange for a sufficiently explicit talk to be given during the Service Meeting that all the congregation know who is being targetted without them being actually named.

    The QfR below gives full details of the grizzly process.

    Edited to add:


    As you can see, it's not a new type of shunning: the first reference to it I found in WT Library is w73 5/15 318-320.



    *** w99 7/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    In summary, then: The congregation elders take the lead in offering help and counsel if someone is walking disorderly. If he does not see the error of his way but continues to be an unwholesome influence, the elders may warn the congregation by means of a talk that makes clear the Biblical view?be it of dating unbelievers, or whatever the improper course is. (1 Corinthians 7:39; 2 Corinthians 6:14) Christians in the congregation who are thus alerted can individually decide to limit any socializing with ones who clearly are pursuing a disorderly course but who are still brothers.

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