What Is Beautiful To Me . . .

by Corvin 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • notperfectyet

    I love when fathers can express their love for their children. Good for you Corvin!

    My baby came over for dinner and a movie last night, we watched Big Fish which is an emotional story about a son and his dad. Good flick.

    And now my 21 yo baby boy is still sleeping like one. They grow up way to fast.........

  • HappyDad

    Yep Corvin,

    Cherish every moment 'cause they do grow up fast like moon said.

    Take more pictures than you can think of doing. Once they are grown, you wish you had more pictures of them in the different stages of their life. My upstairs hallway is my daughter's "wall of fame". Pictures from baby to adult.


  • Gretchen956

    You're right, there is no feeling like that feeling of knowing your babies are sleeping peacefully in their beds. Its hard to believe looking at their little faces what monsters they can be when they are awake, huh? Seriously, as others have said, they grow up way too fast. My son is away from home, almost 24 years old now and has his own life. It happened so fast, it seems like one minute he was a kid, the next minute it was dawning on me (horrifying) that he was going to be driving shortly..... then ---whoosh, he was moving out... So cherish it!!


  • CountryGuy
    The kids are off at their mom's for a scheduled visit. I come home from work at 2am in the morning and unexpectedly find them all sound asleep in their own beds. There have been no incidents, no problems . . . they just missed home. That is beautiful to me.

    Congratulations for being the kind of Dad everyone needs and few actually receive.


  • TMS

    My "kid" is 33.

    But when he visits, it feels very good.

    Everything valuable to me is under one roof.


  • bebu

    I love the sight of my kids (aged 4, 10, and 13) sleeping.

    But then I think..." Aaack!! They're just recharging..."


  • notperfectyet


    :Everything valuable to me is under one roof.

    When my son left this morning he asked me why I leave the slider open..(for the cats to go in and out)

    He said aren't you afraid of being robbed?

    I replied the only thing I ever cared about keeping safe was you kids, and what could someone take? My VCR? My TV? My computer? And if they take my new refrigerator I would love to see that..LOL

    I have no jewelry, or anything of value, they can take it all. My only priceless possession is you. He just smiled.

  • mpatrick


    That is beautiful!

    My husband and I always peek in on our kids when they are sleeping...it is such a beautiful and peaceful time! I hope they are always the kind of kids that like being at home best.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Heartwarming post Corvin.

    Everyones posts on this thread leaves with a warm mushy feeling about my kids..

    Gotta go now and "mush" the three of them before they go to school,


    Special K

    p.s. You know sometimes it's the little things that makes a parent feel great. sometimes my kids will walk in the door after school and give a big sigh..aaahhhhh! as they put down there school stuff. I ask "is everything okay?". response, "yes mom, it's just so good to come home." It speaks of just what home should feel like both awake and asleep. aaahhhhhh.


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