We have a close friend, who has been out of Bethel for over 20 years, but used to be on the writing staff, and wrote some of the books, now not being used, of course, and lots of WT articles. One day, one of our other friends showed him an interesting article in the WT (2000 issue, maybe October?) and he looked it over, and said "I wrote this, word for word, back in 1972, I believe." That was such a hoot!! They just keep recycling. His books are not to be read, but the WT articles can be reused. hahahahahahaha But then, he isn't df'd or da'd either. Mulan
LOL! They totally avoided my house like the plague. I would see them all over the neighborhood, and even though I'm just considered inactive, they wouldn't darken my door.
Down here in Oz, I'm incognito, so they just trot right up and start their spiel. Depending on the mood I'm in, I either humor them or tell them "No thanks, been there, done that."
Hey Path, you said it all.. The presentation this newbie used was sooooo pitiful. She said "Do you know how to wait in Dr.'s offices, or for car mechanics? My hubby said, "Why would I want to know how to WAIT?" lol I wanted to add my .02 and say or for Paradise's which never get here.... but I'll save that for her return visit, which I'm sure will be just around the corner. Guess I'll have to wait.