WTBS attitude towards vegetarians ...

by El blanko 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Hmmm.....interesting post. I've never heard any Dubs say anything negative about anyone who's a vegetarian. I would have thought that they would promote it, seeing as we'll all be livin' like that in the New System!

    I actually tried a vegetarian diet once. It was very difficult to do (for me), but I felt really good when I did it. My skin, hair, nail were all in great shape........I felt a thousand times better when I ate like this. I actually wouldn't mind being a semi-vegetarian: eat mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, maybe some salmon.........a Mars bar-----I mean, soya bars.........

  • reboot

    I used to be a very strict vegetarian-have lapsed a little this year but am back on track now lol,,

    I think that JWs never liked anything to do with vegetarians much as they represented a counter culture that they didn't want to be associated with

    that was the attitude I encountered....got it about eating organically, recycling and making my own medicines and too...it was all considered to be showing an un natural obsession with health and therefore a lack of faith in the promises for the future :S

    the concept of being united mentally and of the same opinion was taken to encompass everything and to the extreme.I was labelled a hippy by some just because I take care of myself.

  • truthseeker1

    Not too sure about making your own medicines part, but eatring right sounds good. If I have a bacterial infection, I'd rather take an antibiotic from the DR than something I grew in my backyard.

  • Farkel

    : I think that JWs never liked anything to do with vegetarians much as they represented a counter culture that they didn't want to be associated with.

    Not true. A Watchtower LEADER was a strict vegetarian. He was Clayton J. Woodworth who was imprisoned along with Rutherford in 1918. He was also editor of the Golden Age magazine and co-author with George Fisher of "The Finished Mystery."

    He was the kook who hated the medical establishment and had wacky ideas about vaccinations, aluminum, and a ton of other things. He was also the person initially responsible for what led up to the blood bad in 1951.

    I was an ovo-lactarian (dairy products, eggs and fish were ok) vegetarian for 3 years, but gave it up because of the hassles it caused. Our kids still wanted to eat meat (we gave them the choice) and so we had to prepare two meals each time we ate.

    Farkel, who didn't make it up to the top of the food chain just to eat plants.

  • truthseeker1

    I like that saying, Fark.

  • DevonMcBride

    I know an elder and his wife who are vegetarians.


  • Leolaia

    Okay, so why is it so frequently stated in the media that JWs are vegetarians? I've heard that a zillion times.....s-oand-so is a Jehovah's Witness and does not eat meat...

  • blondie

    After over 40 years as a JW, I have met few JW vegetarians. The only ones that were considered "strange" were brothers. I have never heard of anyone thinking JWs were vegetarians. Perhaps they were confusing JWs with 7th Day Adventists who are vegetarians.

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Thanks for the input, it seems I am not alone in what I felt.

    I noticed that it was mainly the male JWs who would voice an objection, viewing vegetarianism as some kind of limp-wristed opt-out lifestyle.

    Only for the weak was the impression I got. The sneer as I said earlier was clearly manifest. Typical of any choice that steers away from the subtle (and not so subtle) social dogma that exists. The unwritten code that we all were slave to!

  • Atilla

    I was a vegetarian JW for awhile and many in the congregation thought it was a good idea, you know me, just getting ready for the new system. However, I think the main reason there aren't many JW vegetarians is time and then money. It takes more time to plan out a vegetarian diet and some time more money to buy the food that is required. Those are two luxuries you usually don't have as a JW, plus Jeh. is going to fix everything in the near future, so why bother. Eat that steak for tomorrow it will all be over

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