Comments please?

by irishayes 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • acsot
    Any time i spend speaking to people about the bible is spent because I want to do it

    then don't hand in a report at all; that way the preaching work would really and truly be about speaking from the heart, not compiling any kind of statistical report for every month/year.

  • simplesally

    If you are getting above the national average then there is no pressure. However if your hours change drastically, say you go from 20 hours down to 5 ..........well you will get a phone call.

    I went from 90 to 5 one month and the elders said nothing because they knew why I was not out. My first ex had admitted he was unfaithful, went to the elders and told them. Not once did they talk to me about it except to find out if I was going to forgive him or not. I was so angry that's all they wanted to talk about, especially since I was pioneering at the time and was so upset about. I remember one elder telling me that the right thing to do was forgive.

    They call to badger not to help.

  • irishayes

    Well, I figured it was going to happen.

  • irishayes

    Well, I figured it was going to happen sooner or later.

    I posted a couple of your replies to show that the hours requirement IS factual, and I got my posts deleted because I am "bashing" someone else's religion. ARRRGGGH!

  • BluesBrother

    She is definately kidding you, or kidding herself . Perhaps she does not view all the Service Meeting items, or Shepherding calls as pressure. The answer might be that she is female, and if has always kept up a good report anyway , she may not have felt any "stick".

    If she had attended any elders meetings, particularly those with the C/O then she would hear all about the cong averages, and who was making it and who was not and how the elders must "assist" those who are below par

  • laurelin

    Well, I think this one is a little awkward. You can outright say she's lying or you you can say she's genuine in her belief.

    In my own example, (I've been inactive for nearly 8 months) and there's been no pressure to go out at all. In fact I'm not certain they even know I exist the lack of contact I've had. We've just had our CO and I fully expected some sort of backlash then. But there's been nothing.

    On the other hand, several years ago when I was strong in the ministry and used to turn in the national average my husband went to an elder to inquire how he could work towards becoming a ministerial servant. He was told that he had to be "seen" doing the national average and that was it. Something my husband has never attained to due to work hours.

    My point being is that this particular poster you are in contact with may personally never have had any pressure for total requirement of hours. In as such she may not be being dishonest, merely ignorant of what happens to others. Something I've seen a lot of recently. JW's on the whole, seem to be very badly misinformed and assume everything is the same as their own particular congregation and elder network.

    All the best


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