I understand what you are saying now.
But the gun still did notghing wrong, I dont believe in saftys on guns, if gives a false sence of security, I have seen many people handle guns recklessly because they think the gun is safe. slam fires take place because there is no spring keeping the fireing pin in the rear posistion and the inertia can fire a round, It does not happen ofter but can happen, I totaly dissagree with the statment about piece of crap guns being out lawed, Many of my guns are highly valuable, my collection alone is in the 45k value. but I have also owned jennings guns, davis, and raven, all family related manufactures of inexpensive guns. they for the most part on the low cal. guns have no hammer, they use a striker fireing system, some people dont like it because it can be done cheeply, but glock used the same type of system, I have had very little toruble with my jennings, I on the other hand have had trouble with my smith and wesson 4506 w. laser sight, an 900 gun, I had to send it back to s&w to find out why it jamed all the time, in the end it was the clips. they issured new ones and all is well.
I had a davis 380 auto. I bought it new for 79 usd, cheep and it worked great, never jamed, not a good looking gun but some one who cant afford a 500 usd browning it would work great for. I am not in favor of baning something because it is not expensive, that is elitist, also yes you can buy a mossburg shot gun for appx 290 new, 150 maybe used, but mossburg is the low end of the shot gun group, so maybe we should ban them because you can or should get a ruger redlable for 3k? the other point is yes a 12 ga, will do the job better than any hand gun, why take a pistol to a gun fight when you can bring artillary, but shot guns even in a pistol girp short bbl. config. are very heavy and long and more difficult to use, I can just see single mom carring a mossburg in her tote bag.
In short all companys make guns that do not preform for the money, I will not buy a weatherby why? because you get bells and whistles for your money, I will stay with rem,or savage for a hunting rifle. In gun test savage shoots consistantly tighter groups over almost all competers, and for far less $.
The other point I would like to make is a cop friend of mine when some states were baning the so called sat night spec. was told that in those states that the crime gangs were now using high cap. 9mm and 45 autos on the cops instead of the low priced 22 and 25 autos because they were not being sold in the state.
In the end you can point and counter point but the second amendment give me and you the right to have firearms. those who say that it ment the national guard well the guard did not exist at the time of the bill of rights, so we were the millita,
And I was not trying to be insensitive about brady, but she shamlessly uses his dissability for her own perpous, by the way look close at the video of the regan shooting next time, and you will see jims own colt python next to him when he is on the ground, he had pulled his own gun, and yes hinkly should have never been able to buy a gun, and if memory serves he lied on his application. we now have the nic's system, and it is helping, I am not against regulation of guns, but stupid laws designed to stop ownership of guns. like the assault wepons ban. {dead in sep. of 04 thank god} my 7400 rem. workes the same as my ak47 and can have 30 round clips put in it. and the round 3006 is twice as deadly as 7.62x39, it was a cosmetic ban. that is why you can still buy the same guns with the bayonet lug taken off today for the same price as they were going for in 89. I am looking forward to november when I hope the underfolding stocks will be legal again on the aks. Instead of 1100 usd, maybe I can pick one up for 350, another baby to adopt. so many children and so little time. they all need good homes.