Joanie, the Jehovah's Witness Stripper

by hemp lover 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    That's the title of the song that was playing when I got in my car after work tonight. Pretty funny tune by Paul Thorn ( It was just a guy and his guitar, recorded live in a Tennesse farmhouse.

    I wish I hadn't been driving so I could've written down the lyrics, but the title pretty much tells the story. She's a witness by day and a stripper by night. Her dad comes to the show but since he's not wearing his glasses, he can't tell it's his daughter and he cheers when she gets naked. Here's the chorus:

    Joannie, the Jehovah (sic) Witness stripper

    Put a dollar in her g-string and she will deliver

    If her daddy ever finds out, he'll probably kill her

    Joanie, the Jehovah Witness stripper

    Joe Bob says check it out.


  • cruzanheart

    Woo-hoo! A fellow Joe Bob Briggs fan! DEFINITELY a big Texas howdy and welcome to the board for you, Girlfriend (as I don't think I've said it before! You'll have to PM me and let me know what part of Texas you live in. Big Tex and I are in the DFW area (Dallas/Ft. Worth), along with a lot of very nice party-type apostates.

    So do you remember far enough back when Joe Bob was on TV with his movie reviews? We didn't miss a one (the reviews, that is -- the movies were, well, more interesting to hear about). I also loved his lecture on the difference between BBQ and barbecue. Most enlightening.


  • Tashawaa

    The first time I heard this song was at a country jamboree. Pouring rain and cold!!!! Chris Cummings (who I later met) sang this song!!!

    My sis (who's majorly pregnant at the time) and I almost fall over backwards laughing. I couldn't believe it

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Hey, Nina,

    How's it goin'? We met at the Dallas Apostafest (I'm the mom of FOSL [Fruit of Six's Loins]). We live in the OC or Oak Cliff to the layman.

    Yes, I loved me some Joe Bob. I liked his late night B movie hosting gig. I was first turned onto him about 15 years ago when he used to have a column in the Dallas Observer. What's he doing these days anyway?


  • SixofNine

    She's MY friend! *storms off*

  • blondie

    Go to the URL above for an MP3 sample hearing.


  • tazmaniac

    I cant believe my ex-wife's true story came out in a song. This will definitely weigh against her application to become a regular pioneer. LOL

  • cruzanheart

    NOW I know who you are!!! (Sorry about that.) Joe Bob used to have something going on a cable channel a while back but I've lost touch with him. I loved his Dallas Observer column too. I was always amused at the Texas twang accent coming out of the GQ dude.

    Now, Sixy, HL can have more than one friend, can't she? Play nice!


  • Dan-O
    Joe Bob used to have something going on a cable channel a while back but I've lost touch with him.

    He hosted "Drive In Saturday Night" on The Movie Channel 10 or 15 years ago, then moved over to one of the Turner channels for a while (either TNT or TBS, I'm not sure which). I always loved his boobie count and the dead body count ... plus his description of the 'aardvarking' ... as he introduced a movie.

  • observador
    I cant believe my ex-wife's true story came out in a song. This will definitely weigh against her application to become a regular pioneer.

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