Can We Make April 2004 Our Best Month Ever? Figures say otherwise

by truthseeker 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The first thing I read when I get the new Kingdom Ministry are the Service Report figures. I was surprised to see that for the month of April, the auxiliary pioneers were far less than what they had been in previous years, even though the number of dubs preaching were over 1 million. Compare April 2004 with April 2000, and you can see a massive drop off in zeal, during the famous "Memorial Season"

    United States


    auxiliary pioneers

    April 2004 - 80,041

    March 2004 - 71,054

    April 2003 - 92,736

    March 2003 - 103,332

    April 2002 - 51,217

    March 2002 - 126,378 - Note: 126,378 were able to share as auxilary pioneers

    April 2001 - 123,562

    March 2001 - 45,808

    April 2000 - 153, 774 - Note: The insert in the March issue of Our Kingdom Ministry posed the

    question "Can we Make April 2000 Our Best Month Ever" We are happy to

    report that in April we had a new peak of 153,774 auxiliary pioneers!

    Anyone has a guess at why the auxiliary pioneers this year are so low, considering "the urgency of the times we live in?" The figures for regular pioneers, although not quoted here, have remain fairly static over the last 5 years. Even though the US report tops the million mark for total publishers every other month, the number getting baptized is still way over 2,000 - yet the number of publishers does not seem to have kept pace.

    It looks like the days of having over 150,000 auxiliary pioneers are over.

  • exjdub

    Wow...very interesting truthseeker. That is quite a drop off. I wonder why the Regular Pioneer ranks are remaining static and not dropping off as well? Any thoughts?


  • truthseeker

    OK exJdub, here are the pioneer figures

    April 2004 - 91,389

    Mar 2004 - 91,502

    Feb 2004 - 92,883

    Jan 2004 - 93,738

    Dec 2003 - 93,681

    Nov 2003 - 92,570

    Oct 2003 - 94,550 *Note We are happy to report a new peak in regular pioneers! The total of 94,550 regular pioneers is an increase of

    28 over the previous peak of 94,522 in December 1999

    Sep 2003 - 91,621

    Aug 2003 - 87,385

    July 2003 - 84,955

    June 203 - 84,934

    May 2003 - 86,884

    Apr 2003 - 87,377

    Mar 2003 - 87,878

    Feb 2003 - 89,251

    Jan 2003 - 89,325

  • Mary
    Anyone has a guess at why the auxiliary pioneers this year are so low, considering "the urgency of the times we live in?"

    I would assume that everybody's out selling their homes, businesses and worldly possessions so that they can spend the remaining months in this Wicked Old System of Things, pioneering, so I'm sure the figure'll pick up dramatically for next month.

  • NeonMadman

    When did the hours requirement for regular pioneers last drop? If some of the auxiliary pioneers joined the regular pioneer ranks because of the lower hours requirement, that might help account for regulars remaining static as auxiliarys drop. Either way, they're in sorry shape!

  • blondie

    km 1/99 7 Adjustment in Hour Requirements for Pioneers ***
    Therefore, in view of the above, the Society has reduced the hour requirement for both regular and auxiliary pioneers. Starting with the 1999 calendar year, the requirement for regular pioneers will be 70 hours each month, or a total of 840 hours for the year. The monthly requirement for auxiliary pioneers will be 50 hours. The hour requirement for special pioneers and missionaries remains unchanged, since provision is made by the Society to help them care for their basic material needs. Thus, they can concentrate more fully on their preaching and disciple-making work.
  • blondie

    Compare 1999

    km 4/99 2 January Service Report ***

    January Service Report

    Av. Av. Av. Av.

    Number of: Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

    Sp?l Pios. 171 123.2 92.8 53.0 4.5

    Pios. 78,034

    64.7 41.6 21.7 1.7

    Aux.Pios. 28,903

    49.6 33.9 13.6 0.8

    Pubs. 838,893 8.8 7.2 3.4 0.3

    TOTAL 946,001 Baptized: 1,649

    km 7/99 3 April Service Report ***

    Av. Av. Av. Av.

    Number of: Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

    Sp?l Pios. 148 124.1 109.0 54.7 4.6

    Pios. 78,650

    66.5 48.9 22.2 1.7

    Aux.Pios. 76,659

    49.0 39.2 12.4 0.8

    Pubs. 796,361 9.1 7.9 3.3 0.3

    TOTAL 951,818 Baptized: 2,705

    The 78,650 regular pioneers reporting this month is an all-time peak! This is 616 more than our previous peak, reached in January 1999.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I don't mean to hijack the thread, but how much does the Society give special pioneers and missionaries, and is it realistically enough to live on?

    Country Girl

  • blondie

    CG, special pioneers that I knew had to work part-time secularly to survive. Missionaries are provided a home, food to eat, medical care, etc., and are expected to spend 150 hours a month preaching, which leaves little time to work secularly. Missionaries are more on the same plane as Bethelites as to their status with the WTS. Special pioneers put in 130 hours a month and you wonder where the find the time to work secularly. Their income used to be supplemented by the money they took in for the publications but that ended in 1990.


  • Joker10

    How many publishers reported in April? Last year 984,608 reported. Thanks.

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