The birds are getting ready to eat us?

by santacruzchick 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • santacruzchick

    My mom (a baptized JW who hasn't been to a meeting willfully in years) commented today on how the birds in the neighborhood have been acting more aggressive lately. How they've been taunting and divebombing our cat, being loud and obnoxious, etc..(The probable reason for this is that our cat probably killed a baby bird or something). She said the birds are getting ready to eat animals. Confused, I said '"you mean the dead and sickly ones?", referring to vultures etc. And she said something like "no, Armaggedon is getting close, and the birds are getting ready to eat animals".. "yeah, they're gonna eat all the dead bodies of people Jehovah kills."

    I'm sitting there confused as hell thinking "where the #%@* is this coming from?" It was sad to hear how my mom still fears dying in Armaggdon, yet she won't go back to the congregation. One of the two times we've talked about religion at all the past years (about 7) since we ( she mainly, since I only went when she did since I was younger ) stopped going to the Kingdom Hall I simply asked her "why don't you go to the Kindgom hall?" [I asked her this because I was coerced into going to a meeting with a sister I was guilted into studying with; and I didn't want to go alone and have to go through the annoying process of having entire congregation stare at me, then all come and be their fake happy selves w/ me alone] And her reply was "Because I don't want to" in a tone that also said "and because its none of your business." So I get that she doesn't want to go back to the congregation, but she still fears Armaggedon. I asked if she's seen that new movie The Day After Tomorrow (so i could talk to her about how bad and humorous it was) and she commented "no, it might make me have more nightmares of Armageddon"

    Her comment about the birds actually getting ready to eat dead bodies was so random and bizzare, and hearing it come from my own mother even freaked me out about Armaggedon coming soon. It is hard to completely make that fear go away, but in all logic, I don't fear it anymore. Out of curiosity though, does it really say that the birds are going to eat everyone killed during Armadeddon somewhere in the Bible? Or was that just more BS from Bethel?

  • ohiocowboy

    Revelation 19:17-21 speaks of the birds eating the flesh of the wicked. I always will remember being taught from a young age, how Jehovah will have the birds eat out the eyeballs of those destroyed at Armaggedon.

    I wonder if this is where Alfred Hitchcock got his story line???

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Thats funny, about two weeks ago I helped a baby robin find its parents after his siblings left my nieghbors tree. My dog found the lost chick while its parents while diving around my head. I picked up the baby while he was trying to scare me by opening his little mouth. I hid him under some bushes because they're are a bunch of cats that live in my nieghborhood. Needless to say he jumped and followed his parents all the way to the forest up the hill from my house. Later that night I found the stupid baby again in the dark just sitting on a ledge of a bush. So I picked him up again and hid him high in a tree and his parents came to his rescue.

    For small birds they are not scared of big things.

  • Leolaia

    It was described in gory detail in the Paradise Lost book. Who could forget that? BTW, I also watched birds dive-bombing and attacking a poor cat minding his own business. It was one of the most hilarious things I've seen in my life.

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    Didn't I read somewhere that October of 2005 is the next unspoken date for Armageddon? Also that they are hedging that date with an additional pointer to 2034?

  • Corvin

    My mother came into the org back in the early 60's, probably as a result of the Society's emphasis on the end coming in 1975. She struggled alone in the org with 5 kids, always made it to every meeting with all of us boys clean and well dressed, not just on time, but early. Still she was sort of marked and shunned/avoided the entire time even when she was in good standing, seemingly for being a single mom and then for remarrying her first husband, a non-believer. She was disfellowshipped in the early 70's for smoking, but finally quit and was reinstated. In late 1989 she was df'd for seeking the companionship of another worldly man for she felt she was not worthy of a good brother. She was so sad and lonely toward the end and was in denial about how the organization and the "friends" had not tried to understand her or help her in her times of dire need. For the most part, she was as faithful a JW as could be expected. I heard her say on many occasions in her last years that she was "just so tired" and all she wanted was for this system of things to end . . . for Armegeddon to come whether she made it or not. She never let herself see what a dissapointment the organization had been, but I could see it in her eyes . . .

    . . . she was killed by a drunk driver on her way home from the Kingdom Hall the night she was reinstated. As far as I am concerned, she earned her ticket into the new system, if there is such a thing. If Jehovah has any other plans for the old girl, He should kiss her arse instead.

    Some folks, no matter what, never can let go of either the beautiful promise of paradise, or the dreadful prospect of Armegeddon.


  • avengers

    I was wondering why these birds were gathering in my backyard.
    They must have got the message from HQ that I'm a bad person.


  • Triple A
    Triple A

    Aren't birds used in other scripture as evil waiting to devour the bad (Matthew 13:4)?

  • notperfectyet


    What a horrible sad story, I am so sorry.

  • logical

    i hope the birdies arent too hungry cos im not very healthy.... its hard to believe those pretty birdies are evil vicious man-eaters waiting to pounce.....

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