Is this a good thing?

by Country Girl 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    This is a site on the Internet in which the board members pose as young children, go into chat rooms, and try to lure possible pedophiles into conversation. When a person is engaged in dialogue, the poser obtains the phone number, and tries to arrange a possible meet up. The person is encouraged to send their photograph. When these elements are obtained, the poser then reveals his/her true self and posts the chat script, the person's phone number, and person's picture on the following web site:

    In your opinion, is this appropriate or does it violate the person's privacy? Is this going too far? Does this encourage vigilante justice? This site has also been in collaboration with a few news stations, which filmed the pedophiles coming to the pre-arranged location.

    Scary that there are people out there, and this many!

    Country Girl

  • Bubbamar

    I didn't look at the website, but since it has to do with children - I would say more power to them. Do you assert that Pedophiles SHOULD have privacy to prey on children?

    I just wish someone would go that far to stop the JW pedophiles!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Oh good god... HELL NO! I think they should be shackled in a Birkenstock.. er.. a laughing stock.. er a public stocks and/or paraded down the street of every major city. In fact, I regularly print up full color flyers of the pedophiles that live within a mile radius of my house and post them on the bulletin board down at the store.

    I think it's disgusting that there are people like this, and I say this is an excellent web site and there should be more like them! However, I was just opening this up for discussion....

    Country <Lemme at em> Girl

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The stat i hear is 13% of net traffic is porn releated.I'm glad I never had children.

    The wonder of the information superhighway is good and evil.

  • Stefanie
    I just wish someone would go that far to stop the JW pedophiles!

    I think any means that can be used to stop a pedophile should be used.

    Some of the stuff on that site is shocking.

  • SixofNine

    Off the top of my head, it sounds absolutely GREAT. The use of technology and grass-roots effort to help solve a problem that is incredibly difficult to solve, and turns the victimisers use of technology back onto them. Perhaps I'm missing a more important issue, but my first reaction is thumbs up.

  • xenawarrior
    Is this a good thing?

    YEP !! If that one person who is caught was caught by being engaged with an adult trying to bust them and get them off the net and able to do this to children- they may have saved one child.

    Where do I sign up? Maybe if there were more adults doing this and the numbers increased for adults vs. kids they are actually talking to- perhaps somewhere along the way it will be too risky for the sickos to play their game in this realm and it will be safer for everyone.

    One can only hope.


  • talesin


    It sends a clear message ---> we are watching. We are not waiting for law enforcement (hah!) to do this job for us. WE THE PEOPLE are going to squash you like a bug!

    tal <----

  • xenawarrior
    WE THE PEOPLE are going to squash you like a bug!

    YEAH !! What Tal said !!!! You go girl !!!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I agree with tht..


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