Experience about not bringing our own food to the convention

by NikL 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purza

    If I really gave a sh*t I would contact the Cow Palace management myself to ask them if they would do this. It is a line of BS just to keep everyone in line -- and clapping at the meetings for such "obedience".


  • avishai
    Especially the abumndance of JW youth who don't even give a s*** about anything from the platform anyway.

    Yup. that's EXACTLY what I was thinking. Are you telling me that a "study" Who is dressed just like a JW would also follow this draconian bullshit? NO WAY!! I'm sure there are some who did'nt even hear the announcement. This story is the biggest crock. Also, Wealthier dubs don't listen as much and Just HAVE to go to their little restaurant breaks, often to give co's and do's the "green handshake". More BS feelgood brainwashing propaganda.

  • Corvin

    LOL, I don't believe a word of it. Everyone that did go down and get food in disobedience is going to read that email/letter and not say a damn word to anyone about their gastronomic infidelity.

  • Elsewhere

    The Cow Palace

    What city was this in and when was the convention? I want to call Directory Assitance so I can call The Cow Palace to ask them myself.

  • unbeliever


    Tickets & Information: Phone: 415-404-4111 ? Fax: 415-469-6111

  • unbeliever

    Found more info

    JUNE, 2004
    Watchtower Convention
    Free Admission | Call (415)585-5078 for information
    Also see: The Watchtower | Jehovah's Witnesses Public Affairs
    FridayJune 11, 18, 259:00am - 5:00pmArena
    SaturdayJune 12, 19, 269:00am - 5:00pmArena
    SundayJune 13, 20, 279:00am - 5:00pmArena

    Watchtower Convention
    Free Admission | Call (415)585-5078 for information
    Also see: The Watchtower | Jehovah's Witnesses Public Affairs
    FridayJuly 9, 16, 23, 309:00am - 5:00pmArena
    SaturdayJuly 10, 17, 24, 319:00am - 5:00pmArena
    SundayJuly 11, 18, 259:00am - 5:00pm


  • iiz2cool
    I think they would like to hear about pressure being brought to bear to avoid their restaurants and hotels.

    I knew one guy who was an MS who was severely disabled who always used a hotel adjoining the convention center. Eventually the hotel stopped co-operating with the society and was taken off the list. A number of letters were read to the congregations reminding people not to use hotels not on the list, but this hotel was specifically mentioned by name that it was basically off limits to us. The MS decided that, because of his disability he would use the hotel anyway. I don't blame him. As a result, he was deleted as a pioneer? and as an MS. About a month later he was DF'd, and was reinstated about 3 months after that.

    Maybe people should write letters to the convention centers, letting them know that they would like the concessions to be open, in spite of what the WTS says. Let them know of the reprisals people face when they rebel against the (perceived) authority the watchtower has over their stomachs.


  • unbeliever
    Watchtower Convention
    Free Admission | Call (415)585-5078 for information
    Also see: The Watchtower | Jehovah's Witnesses Public Affairs
    Friday August 6 9:00am - 5:00pm Arena
    Saturday August 7 9:00am - 5:00pm Arena
    Sunday August 1, 8 9:00am - 5:00pm Arena
  • New Castles
    New Castles

    Yes lets all blindly obey

  • Elsewhere

    Tickets & Information: Phone: 415-404-4111 ? Fax: 415-469-6111

    Is this the same place in the same city? I'd hate to call them and have them say: "Who? What? Huh?"

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