NEW LIGHT in July 15th Watchtower??????

by integ 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • avengers

    It's another one of their tricks to make you study the Watchtower more closely.
    And you guys fell for it. Bunch of suckers.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I'm with avengers on this one. I noticed JWs tend to have a flare for melodramatics.

  • Triple A
    Triple A


    Thanks I did not realize that the WT rags were distributed early.

    Triple A

  • Mulan

    That reminds me of a time a friend called me excitedly telling me about new light in a WT. When she read it to me, I told her it wasn't new. She insisted it was new light. I took out my Bible and read the verses, and I had made marginal notes explaining the "interpretation". Same info she was just telling me was new.

    It was new to her. Maybe that's what your aunt meant. She may not realize it's old news.

  • patio34
  • jwsons

    She may means June 15, 2004 WT (Link Here), it's about the blood. That's it.


  • minimus

    I read the July Wt. at my mom's today. What I saw that was new was that you do not have to be baptized to be aeliever. If you go to meetings and perhaps even are an unbaptized publisher, you are NOT considered an "unbeliever". However, if you want to marry a baptized Witness, you are not "in the Lord!!!!!

  • Quotes

    What I saw that was new was that you do not have to be baptized to be aeliever. If you go to meetings and perhaps even are an unbaptized publisher, you are NOT considered an "unbeliever".

    Sounds like a more liberal way to count membership. After years of chastizing other religions for the way the others count members, Watchtowerism is starting to follow suit -- no doubt to hide declining membership numbers.

  • minimus

    When I read this, it hit me that I have never heard of this particular explanation. My conclusion is that in WatchtowerWorld you can never really fit in plus there are rules and sub-rules that the Bible never gives direction on. Only the Society does (for God, of course).

  • meggidon555

    the new light is that the nations will be under christ in the millenial reign not destroyed just in case you were tempted to read it

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