Will I die at Armageddon?

by sinamongurl 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • sinamongurl

    The anwser is: know one really knows but Jehovah.

    I have been df'd for 3 years now. I still struggle with: "should i go back cuz I dont want to die"

    but then its not really for the "right" reason. I still believe the teachings are true. I just dont think I'm so awful of a person

    that I would die. But according to what I was taught, dying is inevitable cuz I havent gone back yet? I live my life afraid of the

    unknown. Any comments would be helpful.


  • codeblue

    First of all, welcome to the board!!!

    I will try to answer your question based on the "bible knowledge" I have received. I was raised in the truth(tm)....I love Jehovah, however, loving Jehovah and being loyal to an organization are 2 different things. Especially when an organization is only concerned about "their rules", not the rules of the god whom they claim they are loyal to. Kinda like in the days of Jesus, he talked about the Scribes and the Pharisees........understand?

    The god we have been taught to love is like our "father"...Now, I don't know if you are a parent, (I am) so, I know speaking from a parent's view what unconditional love really is.....There within lies the answer to your question. Think of the prodigal son...he was welcomed back...with NO restrictions..

    Whether you decide to go back to an organization is your choice......but returning to Jehovah is quite another....If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me..

    Take care and keep posting....


  • XQsThaiPoes

    DFing is old light that the wts is clinging to. THe 1995 change made it an obsolete concept. Infact my reasearch shows they officially started retacting in the 1985 index.

    Since jesus will separate the sheep and the goat in the future you cant say who is wicked anymore. THerefore the command to remove the wicked man from amoung you does not apply. Also technically only the anointed can be DFed since the great crownd was not discovered until 1935.

  • Joker10

    Don't go back because you "don't want to die". But becuase you wish to be a Jehovah's Witness again. Many people fear death. HaVing no hope.
    You say you believe some teachings like Armageddon. Well then you can go back when the tribulation begins? Many people live this way. They don't go back just yet because "there's still time". Stop living afraid.

  • Farkel

    : Will I die at Armageddon?

    Of course you will. When it happens.

    It ain't gonna happen, but if it did happen you would definitely die.

    But since it ain't gonna happen, everything else is bulldust. Get on living and quit worrying about dying. You'll die eventually, so just do some living before it happens. Forget about Armageddon. It's apocalyptic trash.


  • Satanus

    Armageddon was about 70 ce destruction of jerusalem, and 50 yrs later, when the romans finished the job. See? The catholics and protestants have been waiting 2000 yrs for something that was already done, finished.

    Same w the wt. How many times have they predicted it?

    1 This generation

    2 end of the century

    3 1975

    4 1925

    5 1919

    6 1918

    7 1914

    8 1874

    Hello? It took the catholic church only a couple of hundred yrs to figure it out. Protestants still need a few hundred yrs more.


  • XQsThaiPoes

    If you want to be technical apocalypse happens randomly all the time millions die in famine and entire super powers collapse. Nobody cares. So you could see the end of "this system of things" but usualy it is replaced in a hundred or so years later.

  • 4JWY

    Welcome to the forum !

    JW's are a cult and one of the signs of a cult is that it uses fear, guilt, and shame to keep it's members in bondage. You could greatly benefit from reading about the tactics cults use.

    The book by Steven Hassan - "Combatting Cult Mind Control" was very helpful to my family and I as we left JW's after more than 40 years. Also, "Captive Hearts, Captive Minds, Freedom & Recovery from Cults and Abusive Relationships", by Madeleine Tobias was excellent.

    My JW dad lived in such fear of the "end times" - Armageddon - that he chose not to stick around to see what the outcome would be. When an organization has so deeply instilled this fear into it's members, it can be deadly and some do need to seek professional help to deal with this.

    Wishing you peace,


  • Markfromcali

    Hi Sinamon,

    that I would die. But according to what I was taught, dying is inevitable cuz I havent gone back yet? I live my life afraid of the

    unknown. Any comments would be helpful.

    (bold and underlining mine)

    Consider what you said here. This is simply what you were taught, as distinguished from what you know. Fear of dying at armageddon is one thing, but how do you even know the teachings are true? Just saying you believe it is doesn't really answer the question does it? Is there even an armageddon, atleast as you understand the idea?

    I don't pose the questions to undermine your faith, but its just a matter of being honest with yourself. As far as the fear is concerned, if you are living in fear you are not living your life. How is it your life if it is just an existence based on fear? It seems to me that is no way to live.

  • Corvin

    If you still believe the teachings and still feel the fear of dying at Armegeddon, but hesitate to go back, you owe it to yourself to educate yourself about the organization, their teachings and their history. The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society will not publicly disclose the scandals, lies, cover ups, erroneous and constantly changing doctrine and false prophesy to anyone, so you must trust your inner voice that is not only telling you honestly that if you go back it would be for the wrong reasons, but you must also satisfy that nagging doubt in the back of your mind and learn the truth about the truth. The folks here can help.

    I still struggle with: "should i go back cuz I dont want to die"

    If you should choose not to go back, you will be in excellent company. Don't sweat it.


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