Is this forum official? I found it in a search result, but there appears to be in no way connected to So I was just wondering if this was the real deal or just a JW forum doing it own thing?
Just out of curiousity...
by thedarknesswithin 14 Replies latest jw friends
Good Morning and Welcome Darkness!!!!!!!!!
No this is not an official JW site. Most of us are recovering JW's
recovering JW's?
I dont know what this means.
Oh, sorry Darkness,
Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
I was, but not anymore. Today I'm merely a bored soul with an internet connection and an interest in religion and philosophy.
It just struck me as curious that a forum like this existed, when we were always told not to go to any other website other than (in regard to JW related info), because of the unknown of who was running it, and what they were saying on it, so as not to be stumbled by false information.
By recovering JW do you mean someone that has been disfellowshipped or left but has returned and wants to be reinstated?
*looks around*
Ah so this place is for ex-JW's and those fading.
Nevermind. Not what I was looking for, methinks.
Obviously Secret
Don't think this is going to keep you here but, I'm still a JW. Can teach you some things about JW's if ya want.
Nevermind. Not what I was looking for, methinks
or maybe just what you are looking for but dont even know it. freedom can be a wonderful thing.
Don't think this is going to keep you here but, I'm still a JW. Can teach you some things about JW's if ya want.
Heh, i was a JW since i was 6 til I turned 18. Thanks anyway though, but as I said before i was just a bored soul with an internet connection and an interest in religion and philosophy. While I was here last night I was also looking up Buddhism and Wiccanism.
or maybe just what you are looking for but dont even know it.
lol, I like the way you think.
Welcome! Yeah, I like the way Flower thinks, too.
There's some Wiccans on the forum, and I believe some Buddhists, as well as others who subscribe to many different ideologies.
Stick around, you would enjoy surfing the board a bit. I have been out for many years myself, it's a good group of folk here.