Hospital Liason Committee?

by Blueblades 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Is it disbanded?

  • blondie

    Not that I know of. Here is some contact information:

    To contact your local

    Hospital Liaison Committee,

    Please call:

    Hospital Information Services

    for Jehovah?s Witnesses

    24-Hour Service

    (718) 560-4300

    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11202

    Fax: (718) 560-4479


  • Blueblades

    Thanks Blondie.

  • cyber-sista

    Was involved in a situation with a JW relative bleeding to death. We immediately called the elders in the congo who had the scoop on the liason thing. They came to the emergency waiting room and sat there with us, bibles in hand and that was it. The family had to talk to the doctors and get this relative to another hospital where he could receive treatment. The relative underwent emergency surgery in a large city hospital. The liason committee in that city was called (supposedly), but they never showed up (said they got the times mixed up). This is one of the many things that started me to thinking maybe this Org was not all as organized as it touted itself to be. Also the treatments that the WT suggested for massive blood loss (the hormones to stimulate blood production, etc. etc.) were not anything that the doctors at this very large big city cutting edge university hospital were familiar with using. Everything I had heard about and read about in the magazines in regards to this wonderful liason committee seemed bogus when put into actual practice. Maybe it's different elsewhere, but where I don't know--makes me wonder if it is not just another WT illusion.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Hi cybersister,

    Many of the things that the Watchtower suggests for avoiding blood transfusions do not address the issue of uncontrolled bleeding in an emergency situation .It can take time to get someone to a trauma centre and diagnose the problem and get them to an operating room. The hormone to stimulate blood production is erythropoitin and it takes TIME for (weeks) to make more red blood cells. It is all good and well for the WT to suggest blood expanders, but if the bleeding can't be stopped immediately, the blood volume can be expanded all you want, but as the victim keeps bleeding and losing cells,it ends up very dilute. The result is not enough platelets to stop bleeding and not enough red blood cells to carry enough oxygen.

    The Emergency room specialist I talked to said that cell savers do you no good if you left your blood in a pool on the road.

    "Artifical bloods", aren't blood, but some are made form cow's blood. They are artificial oxygen carriers. To my knowledge they are NOT APPROVED (failed tests on their safety and effectiveness) in the US and Canada. It would be better to use these than die from lack of blood, if you can get hold of it as a special release. (which also takes time to arrange). I personally would take a blood transfusion, no question, but then I've never been JW.

  • Lehaa

    Did you know that if you that even if you are a baptised witness, in good standing in the organisation, but do not go witnessing that the liason committe will not get involved if you need them.

    I was told that by the elder who held my medical enduring power of attourney when i was having my first child.

    Very comforting.

    That remins me must write to him and let him know that i no longer need his services.

  • Ciara

    I just recently remembered that I had a living will on file with the local hospital saying that I didn't want blood. I went and had it removed from the files. Good thing I didn't need a blood transfusion since I left the witlesses. That would have been a sucky reason to die.


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli
    "?the treatments that the WT suggested for massive blood loss (the hormones to stimulate blood production, etc. etc.) were not anything that the doctors at this very large big city cutting edge university hospital were familiar with?"

    I doubt that these doctors were not familiar with the treatments that WT recommends. The WTS, after all, is not supposed to be in the medical business, and they hardly are innovative scientists.

    Rather, it is likely that they were quite well aware that the WTS recommended treatments were inadequate to the point of being ridicules in the given circumstances. WT has no answer for rapid trauma related bleeding, but they lead their followers to believe that their methods work in all situations; that the medical use of blood is never necessary.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I am all for not taking blod but after seeing how the liason commitee really does things they are more PR, pastoral care, and prevention than anything else. When pressed they retreat. So in short I did actually feel a blood transfusion was "misuse of blood" but now the wts has weaken its stance publically so much that I am almost to the point of thinking either no blood totally or blood. I think in the future JWs especially ones with family in the medical feild will start taking blood for emergency and signing some type of blood prevention directive. Allowing blood as a last resort. Because the blood issue is fanally too insane to uphold because if it was that important to jehovah the WTs would not allow so may compromises.

  • BluesBrother

    Far from disbanded.

    I dont know if anyone has posted this up, but when I read through my wife's recent Kingom Ministry it said that any pregnant sister should ask her elder to contact the HLC. They would provide a new booklet (or 2?) to be given to the obstetrician (spelling?) explaining the stand.


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